Because of them, I HATE SHASTA.
Yeah, but don't you sometimes put your orange juice in the freezer for a couple of hours, then drink the slush? Just for old times sake?
first thing comes to mind is that this organization through its leaders are not witnessing the true and honest version of the gospel teachings of jesus christ .. they are subjectively teaching/preaching a tainted version made up by the top controlling men of the organization, which i'm sure is connected to the proliferation and distribution of literature which these men publish themselves.
when jesus said that no one knows of the time not even he, he didn't say a select few will know .. the other thing that bothers me is this organization promotes human ignorance on many levels, admonishing education or knowledge that mankind needs for its very survival... there are many other religious organizations that do this as well but the jws is just one of these organizations.
Because of them, I HATE SHASTA.
Yeah, but don't you sometimes put your orange juice in the freezer for a couple of hours, then drink the slush? Just for old times sake?
do you think he could get reinstated as president?
do you think trump will run again for president or do you think he will just be a force for the republican party behind the scenes?.
Oh, and forgot to mention:
The current indictments regarding the 2 sets of books are only related to the expense & payroll side of the business.
Which is really relatively minor stuff....compared to, say, 2 sets of books related to revenue and property valuations. I'd be willing to bet my Cayman Islands bank account that Vance has those as well.
As I noted in an earlier post, misrepresenting the value of real estate is bank fraud, which means double-digit time in a federal pen.
As is usual operating procedure when there will be multiple charges: Start with the less serious stuff. Send out a "shot over the bow" hinting at what's coming.
Who wants to flip? Now is the time. First one gets the best deal. The longer you wait the worse it gets.
do you think he could get reinstated as president?
do you think trump will run again for president or do you think he will just be a force for the republican party behind the scenes?.'s over.
There are 2 sets of books. This is evidence of acknowledgement of culpability. It is, in a very real sense, a confession.
Vance not only knows there are 2 sets of books, he has both sets.
The only question now is whether the case is extraordinarily easy (any jury is able to understand "2 sets of books" is a crime), or whether it is extraordinarily childishly easy (folks start to flip).
Even Rudy Colludy, in his current state, could win a case like this.
Consider also: while TweedleDum and TweedleDumber flap their gums on any cable "news" network that will have them, providing (voluntarily and free of charge) evidence that can and will be used against them in a court of law, which Trump Org. sibling is keeping her yap shut?
The smartest (how's that for a low bar) of the 3 Trump Org. siblings knows the jig is up, and has enough sense to listen to her attorney and say nothing.
Fer gawd's sake, even Mrs. Be Best knows enough to keep quiet.
It's going to be a glorious summer and fall.
are you ready for the delta variant task force, funded by bill gates to come to your home?
after mass censorship and in some cases arrests ( australia ) for speaking out against lockdowns, or the dangers of untested medical procedures, we now have morons who want to send people to your home, to remove infected family members.... how will you know you’re infected??
a pcr test cranked up to detect anything of course!
Posting from western Europe here.
Why haven’t more American citizens suffered the abuses taking place in Europe, Australia, India, or Canada?
Remind me what abuses I've suffered?
Sometimes I'm watching TV and I don't notice what I should. If I'm being abused I'd like it to stop.
I haven't seen any of my neighbors being abused either. Maybe I should go door to door to let them know how horribly they are being treated?
interesting video by lotus eaters.. it seems that the nsa are spying on tucker carlson's emails.. the nsa are allowed to spy on foreign countries and citizens, but it is illegal for the nsa to spy on us citizens..
Ah, so its not only Tucker communicating with the shady foreign agents but his "crew" is as well? Got it, thanks.
interesting video by lotus eaters.. it seems that the nsa are spying on tucker carlson's emails.. the nsa are allowed to spy on foreign countries and citizens, but it is illegal for the nsa to spy on us citizens..
Well, if he's communicating with shady foreign agents that the NSA happens to be monitoring, then yeah, they would be "spying" on those communications.
Seems to be an on-air confession of guilt.
do you think he could get reinstated as president?
do you think trump will run again for president or do you think he will just be a force for the republican party behind the scenes?.
I don't generally like to post twitter on here, but this is too good to pass over.
TL:DR - Trump is toast.
2021-july-s-147-announcements and reminders.
english and german.
Less than a generation ago , each edition of Awake was 32 pages long, and it was printed 24 times a year. 768 pages per year.
In 2022, there will be one magazine of 16 pages.
In other words, a reduction in annual content of 98%.
Considering that for the past 8-10 years the magazines have been little more than bullet-pointed listicles with huge margins and giant photos on every page, the actual content reduction is well over 99%.
Why even bother anymore?
do you think he could get reinstated as president?
do you think trump will run again for president or do you think he will just be a force for the republican party behind the scenes?.
And so it begins:
This is of course just the tip of the iceberg.
Standard operating procedure, when there are multiple criminal charges to be filed, is to begin with the "low-hanging fruit" - the easiest, less serious cases. As the defendants refuse to cooperate, the more serious stuff follows.
The charges tomorrow center on tax evasion, but note this:
The tax-related investigation is part of a broader criminal probe into whether the Trump Organization and its officers overvalued and undervalued its assets on loan, tax and insurance documents for financial gain
I.e., a "broader criminal probe" into bank fraud. That is a felony that can carry 10 or more years in the penitentiary.
I wonder the line is on whether Weisselberg will flip?
as a youg man this stunned me when i studied the original "youth" book 97% had done it so i thought soo that's pretty much everyone i guess the 3% were witness youth!
also "awake" claimed 90% of students had accessed porn at some time.
everyone is doing it i guess 10% are the witness dumb was i?.
97% had done it
Statistically speaking, that means that 3% are liars.