JoinedTopics Started by FFGhost
JW version of Airbnb?
by FFGhost inhey, has anybody else noticed this?.
seems to be, as my title indicates, an “airbnb” service for active jws.. nothing on the site explicitly limits users or listers to being active jws but given the name of the website and the high number of listings proclaiming their proximity to “bethel” and/or “world headquarters” it certainly seems all but certain.. the number of basic typos, misspellings, and just general awkwardness of phrasing makes me wonder if it is run by non-us jws or at least jws for whom english is not their first language.. the dates in the reviews seem to indicate the website has been around for the past couple of years, though today is the first i heard of it.. they also have a couple of tours listed, for paris and “bible lands”.. maybe it’s just me, but i get a kind of icky, weird vibe from the website.
Thoughts on annual meeting “new light”
by FFGhost inso, i finally saw the annual meeting video part 2.. this is the one with the “new light” on who might survive armageddon, vs. those who do not.. in summary, for those of you fortunate enough not to have to sit through it, it’s something like this:.
old light: once the “great tribulation” starts, that’s it for non-jws.
the “door of the ark” is closed.
New GB update - beards are now perfectly ok (no really!)
by FFGhost into save y’all the agony of having to sit & watch lett (looking even more puffy and jaundiced than the last time), here is a summary:.
beards are now perfectly fine for anyone & everyone, including ministerial servants, elders, and “special full time servants” (cos and betheliites).. but don’t go and feel “vindicated” — even if you knew you were right about beards, you shouldn’t run ahead of jehovah’s “chariot”.. so there you go.. if you need explicit permission from a puffy steroid addled facial contortionist with an increasingly ridiculous combover to make personal grooming decisions…you might be in a cult .
Thought on “0 hours” reporting
by FFGhost inso everyone knows the “big news” of this past weekend, no more reporting of hours, placements, return visits, etc.
beginning november 1, jws just tick a box indicating whether they “shared in any form of the ministry during the month”.. so there was a brief comment by a redditor that seems like a brief joke “throwaway comment” but after thinking about it….why not?.
the idea is, what is “any form of the ministry”?
Pioneer hour requirement returns
by FFGhost inso, just posted on jw.borg:.
as of march 2023, the hour requirement for pioneers, which was suspended during the pandemic, will once again be enforced.. elders will review the activity of all pioneers in june 2023. if it appears that any do not have a “practical schedule” (aren’t getting at least close to 70 hours per month”), elders are to “kindly and frankly discuss their circumstances”.. what’s that sound that seems like a torpedo plane diving on its target?
that’s the sound of the number of regular pioneers in complete free fall .
“Hanging the earth upon nothing”
by FFGhost infor those of you not up to speed on the latest jw trends, one of the key scriptures the jws are using in field serve-us lately is job 26:7, wherein the writer describes the earth as “hanging upon nothing”.. this text is used to indicate the bible’s “reliability”.
the reasoning goes something like this:.
“see, centuries ago, people thought the world was flat, or was resting on elephants or turtles, or some such nonsense.
Sanderson’s “Young People” convention talk
by FFGhost inso did anyone else have the misfortune of listening to sanderson’s talk corresponding to the saturday morning convention program?.
full title is “young people - choose a path that leads to peace!”.
the basic idea is, hey you teenagers, you ought to be pioneers, wt construction workers, and/or bethelites.. i tried to put myself back in time an embarrassing number of decades…if i were in this talk’s target audience, how would i respond?.
Freaky, unsettling, unnerving comment from Losch in his AGM talk
by FFGhost indid anybody else catch it?.
he said that people who come back in the earthly resurrection would be given a body "reasonably similar" to the one they had prior to death.. what the almighty hootch?.
More cracks in the dam - WTS pleading for elders "in their early 20s"
by FFGhost ini have another post here about how the wts is reeling from covid, as reflected in their abysmally catastrophic service report:.
here's another rupture showing.. in the latest "announcements and reminders" to elders, there is a paragraph with these sentences:.
Annual service report - yet another analysis - big trouble for the WTS
by FFGhost inthere's already been a couple of threads on the 2021 report with insightful comments, but i'm vain enough to want to start my own topic with some additional thoughts..... as others on the other thread noted, it's useful to compare the 2021 numbers not only to 2020 but also 2019 (the last non-pandemic report).. there are some really troubling (if you're a wt headquarters guy) news in the latest report.. 1) baptisms plummet.
2021 - 171,393. baptisms dropped 20% in 2020, and 30% more in 2021. the total drop from 2019 to 2021 is an amazing 44%.. one could argue that without in-person assemblies and conventions you'd expect baptisms to drop.
but....if someone really wants to get baptized, jws will find a way.