Please explain WT/ JW ,we have a right to know.
That's just it - the GB have such hubris, and such utter contempt for the average JW, they are quite certain that no, we don't have a "right to know" about anything they decide.
well, that is my prediction for 2024 anyway!
hey, if watchtower can speculate.....
Please explain WT/ JW ,we have a right to know.
That's just it - the GB have such hubris, and such utter contempt for the average JW, they are quite certain that no, we don't have a "right to know" about anything they decide.
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My understanding was that donations were tied to the literature.
30 years ago that was the case.
I'd bet you have a bit of gray around the temples
2023-price per publisher.. . .
Am I right?
Yes, that is the idea. There is a "recommended donation" for each congregation, based on the number of publishers. But each congregation determines what it will donate. Some will donate more, some will donate less.
But given how the vast majority of elders are positively drooling over themselves to follow direction from "mother", it is a safe bet that unless there are very difficult financial issues in a congregation, the recommended amount will be the minimum that they decide to send in each month.
well, that is my prediction for 2024 anyway!
hey, if watchtower can speculate.....
It's standard JW doctrine: "once anointed, always anointed".
Even if someone "anointed" is DF'ed, if they return and are reinstated, they jump immediately back to "anointed" status.
Don't ask me where to find it - it's probably buried in some old 50's or 60's "Questions from Readers" and has never been superseded. But I know I've read it somewhere.
So, since he isn't even DF'ed (to the best of our knowledge) he remains (and will remain) "anointed", albeit no longer, per "present truth", a member of the "faithful and discreet slave".
Sometimes they do have them at the carts, but if you ask for one, expect to be grilled over and over again about why you want one. They are instructed only to give them to "sincere" people.
The reasoning is, since there is no manner of donating for it at the cart *, they don't want to be "giving away" something that would be easily the most "expensive" item they have to offer. So if they do hand one out, they will check to make sure you are "rightly disposed".
* JWs are instructed not to handle money at the carts, which is actually pretty smart, imagine the safety issue if nefarious types knew JWs have $$$ at the carts.
what a pathetic state if affairs..
are they really this clueless and desperate?.
most organizations would just toss this stuff in the trash bin..
They've been having these sales for years, if not decades.
Why not? There are undoubtedly hundreds if not thousands of JWs who would slobber all over themselves joyously at the prospect of owning something that used to be used for "Jehovah's service".
note: photos can be found on the blue envelope channel and susan morris are living in lumberton, north carolina.
a real estate document on the robeson county website is filed:.
the religious order of jehovah's witnesses has provided a "life estate" for them.they can live in this townhouse until they are deceased or choose to move away and in either case the ownership becomes entirely the property of jehovah's witnesses.
Perhaps there was was a need in that cong. or maybe he requested it ?
As an acquaintance of mine used to say (no offence intended )..."Are you on drugs???"
There's a "need" in a congregation in Podunk North Carolina (have you ever been to Lumberton? "Podunk" is being generous), so they request, and get, someone to be removed from the GB and sent down to "help"?
Or maybe the guy "requested" to be moved from the prestigious life of a JW elite, a life of ease, relative luxury, and prominence, he "requests" to be moved to Podunk North Carolina....and the WTS gratefully obliges, and shows their gratitude by furiously scrubbing their website of the dozens if not hundreds of video appearances by the guy over the past decade?
In the words of John McEnroe , "you cannot be serious".
All the evidence points to:
-- He did something egregiously rotten - not quite so bad as to be DF'ed, but really, really bad (or possibly embarrassing to the org., or something that increases their legal liability)
-- He was booted out of Bethel
-- He was gifted, in exchange for signing an ironclad NDA, a reasonably decent house and a modest income
Now that people know where he lives, I'm sure it's only a matter of time before someone tracks him down, in a Lumberton grocery store or post office or liquor store, and chats him up while secretly recording it.
note: photos can be found on the blue envelope channel and susan morris are living in lumberton, north carolina.
a real estate document on the robeson county website is filed:.
the religious order of jehovah's witnesses has provided a "life estate" for them.they can live in this townhouse until they are deceased or choose to move away and in either case the ownership becomes entirely the property of jehovah's witnesses.
I think I read somewhere he has family in or around Lumberton NC, which would explain "why there". Curious that the WTS bought a 2nd house in the vicinity.
It's all so hush-hush, it may be that even the local congregation (or most of them, anyway) don't know he lives there.
Can you imagine the reaction of an unsuspecting JW ringing the bell there on a Saturday morning, and out comes (former) GB member Tony Morris?
embedded in the cleveland ohio convention.
pre covid attendance was always 7k+ this year 4500.. 37baptised mixed bag.
less then half were children.. as far as patience goes, it can certainly help you be a better person when dealing with others but needless to say, this having patience waiting for jehovah is pure b.s.!
If Jehovah were to solve mankind’s problems now, it could appear as if Satan’s rulership were having a measure of success. They really went on about that. No one could provide any explanation of why Jehovah solving problems would appear that it was Satan. Wouldn't God solve the problems and also provide proof that it was HE would did it?
Ever get the feeling the guys in the writing department have running bets, as in "who can get the most outrageously absurd, nonsensical, transparently stupid statement past the 'GB helpers' and actually into print?"
Somebody won a case of MacCallan by slipping that little nugget in there.
Let's see how well that logic works in other areas:
If a lifeguard were to save a drowning child, it could appear that lifeguards were not needed after all, since no one ever drowns.
If a football team's goalkeeper were to block his opponents scoring attempts, it could appear that goalkeepers were not needed since the other team wouldn't score.
Well done, anonymous WT writer!
The gauntlet is down - which one of you writers can top that over-the-top codswallop!
new wt october 2023....first an article remembering 1923....they make changes, the had a "prayer, praise and testimony weekly meeting".. after an study article about obey, specially paragraph 18.. i have a wild guess, next year, just one weekly meeting for the borg..
Midweek meeting is where they read off all their announcements, including disfellowshipping announcements. Seems pretty unlikely they'd want to read off names of those DF'ed at a meeting ostensibly for the "public".