Pinky rings! All the best dons wear them.
JoinedPosts by FFGhost
What is it with these lard ass GB and gold rings and watches?
by mickbobcat inthey wear jewelry like they are some don from the cosa nostra.
watches and rings like some cheap pimp.
hey they are cheap pimps.
Anyone get the feeling that the cult is really in trouble.
by mickbobcat inso all the bs and hyperbole aside, to me it really looks like the cult is in trouble.
shrinking member, selling halls.
the move to televangelism is really strange to me.
On the one hand, folks on forums such as these have been predicting the demise of the WTS for many years and they are still here.
On the other hand, I think they are in for a shock once "real" Kingdom Hall meetings start up again, and after the novelty wears off in a month or 2, attendance plummets. And similar for the door to door ministry - excitement and novelty for a couple months at best then a nosedive.
How will they respond? Carrot or stick?
I think Splane is the Cult Leader. And I think there are more apostates working on the inside than we can imagine.
by pistolpete inso in the latest leaked video, splane goes on this crazy delusional rant about how faithful witnesses should never research their faith.. he criticizes the worldly court system and says they are not fair toward witnesses and the organization.
he says the court system is rigged and witnesses who get convicted, (implied child sex abusers) are innocent.
he is literally trying to justify child molesters and elders who cover them, as good people in "god's eyes" even though "human authorities" may judge them and put them in jail.
What "leaked video" is that? There's nothing new by Splane on the JW.Borg broadcasting site.
I don't doubt that he rants about it, I just don't know how to access the video.
I am quite sure that Splane views himself as "the boss". He projects the pomposity and delusions of grandeur of someone who thinks he is the most special guy in the room. It is clear that he views himself as the smartest of the bunch (not exactly a high bar to clear) and that he thinks he is tremendously gifted with the ability to explain "deep things" to those whom he views as morons.
Can you tell I don't have a high opinion of him?
KH's Still All Closed- How Bad is WT doing Financially?
by OnTheWayOut inmost churches are back to in-person worship.
not jehovah's witnesses.
is watchtower still managing to fleece the flocks as the sheeple no longer get literature, no longer go to the kh, no longer walk past the donation box?
numbers were higher than they’ve been for years - for the first few weeks - then it began to drop off to lower than prepandemic levels.
This is exactly what will happen with JWs.
The novelty will be there for maybe a month. Then the tiresome drudgery sets in, and attendance will plummet. It will no longer be "special".
Concerned elders will have meeting after meeting. JW Broadcasting will produce urgent videos extolling the importance of meeting attendance.
Won't make any difference. Attendance will drop and stay down.
If there are any with a modicum of intelligence left at Warwick, they have to know this is precisely what will happen.
KH's Still All Closed- How Bad is WT doing Financially?
by OnTheWayOut inmost churches are back to in-person worship.
not jehovah's witnesses.
is watchtower still managing to fleece the flocks as the sheeple no longer get literature, no longer go to the kh, no longer walk past the donation box?
It's tough for them to figure out, I'm sure.
On the one hand, with Kingdom Hall expenses at near or absolute 0, virtually all contributions to the local congregation end up being forwarded to the WTS instead of going toward electricity, water, etc.
On the other hand, without in-person meetings, it is much harder to maintain control over the flock.
On the 3rd hand, contributing via the website makes it extraordinarily easy - you can even set up recurring payments.
On the 4th hand, old-timers, the ones who tended to contribute the most, are more likely to be technophobic and not want to "send money over that danged interweb or watchamacallit". Such folks were far more likely to drop cash in the box at the KH.
Which do they value more - money or control? I'm sure it's a question they continue to wrestle with.
What Did You Think Of The Songs Sung At The Kingdom Hall?
by minimus inwhen i was younger we had song books and i recall that some of the songs were pretty catchy.
then they revised it took some of those songs out, and added more.
i have to admit some songs were pretty good.
old and antiquated words in the songs
Our calls for succor he quickly will hear (see earlier post)
Even though mendacious men the truth deny, we know it's impossible for God to lie
I also "enjoyed" the Yoda-speak they used, to force the rhymes to work.
Remember this beauty from "Shulamite Remnant"?
Exclusive devotion, no gold can it hire,
Since blazings of love are like blazings of fire.
Unyielding as Sheol all true love will be.
Like flame of Jehovah is your love for me
"Tortured renderings" is an insult to the word "tortured".
My apologies for producing the ear-worms.
What Did You Think Of The Songs Sung At The Kingdom Hall?
by minimus inwhen i was younger we had song books and i recall that some of the songs were pretty catchy.
then they revised it took some of those songs out, and added more.
i have to admit some songs were pretty good.
Does anybody remember that song, can't remember the title, maybe it was something like "Praise Jah" or "Praise Jah With Me?"
There was a line in that song, something about calling to Jehovah for help in times of distress.
The line, as I recall, was this:
"Our calls for succor, he quickly will hear"
"Succor" being a rather obsolete word for "assistance in times of distress". Probably Karl Klein (mentioned earlier in this thread) was quite proud of himself for finding a two-syllable word that fit the meter.
So, in English, "succor" when spoken is indistinguishable from "sucker", which means "one who sucks" and "sucks" is one of those almost-but-not-quite dirty words that "good" JWs don't use.
And of course in modern times, if you hear the word pronounced [suk-er], 999 times out of a thousand someone will think "sucker" not "succor".
The horror! What is a good JW to do? Can't be singing about "suckers" to Jehovah!
So, when that line was reached in the song, it sounded something like this:
80 decibels: "Our calls for...."
40 decibels: "Su - mumblety mumble - er"
80 decibels: "...he quickly will hear"
It was a source of never-ending amusement to my teenaged brain. Hey, when you're stuck in the Kingdom Hall for 2 + hours and would rather be watching "Happy Days" or "Welcome Back Kotter", you look for enjoyment wherever you can find it.
Set Free in the Seventh Year.
by S0ShowdidIgethere insomeone else posted a tid bit if this weeks meeting...but here's my favorite part... .
so...deuteronomy...jehovah cares for the poor...those with no inheritance get help...debts are forgiven...and then!.
deuteronomy 15:12-14:.
How about automatic reinstatement every 7 years after being DF'ed?
Imagine if, say, year 7 ended up being much fun would naughty JWs have in 2027?
What Did You Think Of The Songs Sung At The Kingdom Hall?
by minimus inwhen i was younger we had song books and i recall that some of the songs were pretty catchy.
then they revised it took some of those songs out, and added more.
i have to admit some songs were pretty good.
The music was terrible.....'Laaaaaaaaaaazarussssssss lay sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeping.....'
A long time ago in a Kingdom Hall far far away....
Remember when many if not most Kingdom Halls had pianos in them? Someone would play the piano for the songs before & after each meeting.
For some long-forgotten reason, for a time in our Kingdom Hall, we had, not a piano, but an honest-to-god organ.
Trouble was only one person in the congregation knew how to play it.
One night she wasn't at the meeting. What to do?
"Hey", some genius elder thought. "Let's get X, the teenaged kid who is taking piano lessons, to play the organ. A keyboard is a keyboard, right? What could go wrong?"
So, teenaged brother X started into it. The song of course was this one, "Laaaaaazarus lay sleeeeeeping...."
He got through maybe 3 or 4 stanzas before it turned into unrecognizable honking screeches.
Deep in that teenaged brain, he remembered what his piano instructor told him: "If you make a mistake, start over and do it right, from the beginning."
So, here's how it worked out:
"Laaaaaaazarus lay sleeee-" sour note. Stop.
"Laaaazarus lay sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeping, in -" Sour note. Stop.
"Laaaaaazarus -" Sour note. Stop.
"Laaaaa-" sour note. Stop.
This went for what seemed like 5 minutes. Evidently someone put a stop to the travesty, since I am not currently still sitting in that Kingdom Hall trying to sing to the screeching organ.
Not long after that, as I recall, we started using the vinyl records to provide the music to sing along to.
What Did You Think Of The Songs Sung At The Kingdom Hall?
by minimus inwhen i was younger we had song books and i recall that some of the songs were pretty catchy.
then they revised it took some of those songs out, and added more.
i have to admit some songs were pretty good.
For the old-timers, one of my favorite Farkel threads:
Their “songs of praise” suck worse than any other songs in the entire universe. Even the songs of cats tearing each other’s eyes out while in heat are more melodious (and have better lyrics for that matter) than dub songs.
Why would Jehovah God, the Sovereign of the Universe, hand-pick as his ONE AND ONLY true and righteous organization, a group that writes the WORST melodies and the WORST lyrics possible: melodies that are designed to either bring on a screaming migraine headache, or if one is lucky, lull one to sink into a deep coma? Well, WOULD He?This pretty much says it all.