the deeper meaning of the passage
Well. something was pretty deep in Rutherford's ramblings writings.
do you recall reading this passage before?
i came across this it yesterday while preparing a bible presentation on trees.
i had no idea this passage existed.
the deeper meaning of the passage
Well. something was pretty deep in Rutherford's ramblings writings.
do you recall reading this passage before?
i came across this it yesterday while preparing a bible presentation on trees.
i had no idea this passage existed.
I suspect Rutherford probably had a “prophetic” interpretation of it however.
If you look up the passage on wol.jw.borg, you can see references to a lengthy (6+ pages in the large-format WT) covering all these verses in the 1935 Watchtower. In their numbering system it is pages 100-105.
Of course they did not include the 1935 WT in their publications that can be linked to online.
I don't remember if the large-format magazines were 16 or 32 pages long so I can't figure out the date of the issue. If 16 pages each it would be the April 1 1935 edition, if 32 pages each it would be the February 15 issue.
what was your kingdom hall like when it came to overweight witnesses?
i remember counseling some people on their drinking habits.
a few snickered that if we were going to counsel them because they have had way too many at a wedding reception, what about very overweight witnesses that have a lifestyle of overindulgence?
The bible says drunkards will not inherit the kingdom. It says nothing about the occasional, social, over-drinker?
Good lord, you're dredging up more memories.
There was another elders school that got into this issue with agonizing detail. The instructor asked if someone was an alcoholic, could he be DF'ed?
In one of the rare opportunities to express opinions not pre-approved by "mother", some elders commented yes, others no.
The instructor said the answer was "no". The Bible condemns "drunkenness", not "alcoholism".
He then went on, again in excruciating detail, about how the Bible describes "drunkenness". IIRC, it was a bunch of stuff from Proverbs about "staggering around" and "eyes seeing strange things".
He said an alcoholic might not ever exhibit such symptoms, thus, strictly Biblically speaking, he would not be considered "drunk" and thus not subject to congregation discipline. Such a person wouldn't be "exemplary" and so couldn't be a pioneer, elder, MS, etc., but without that Biblical "evidence" of drunkenness, no judicial action was to be pursued.
The unspoken takeaway, of course, to the undoubted delight of a significantly high proportion of the attendees, was that if you can "hold your liquor" and not act stumblingly stupid while drunk, there was no problem.
what was your kingdom hall like when it came to overweight witnesses?
i remember counseling some people on their drinking habits.
a few snickered that if we were going to counsel them because they have had way too many at a wedding reception, what about very overweight witnesses that have a lifestyle of overindulgence?
I recall this being dissected in very fine detail in an elders/CO meeting years ago. Or maybe an elders school. It all tends to run together after a while.
Anyway, IIRC, the basic idea was that the bible condemns "gluttony", not "obesity". It was more about the attitude toward food as opposed to the quantity.
We had a special pioneer / elder who was pretty normal-sized, not big at all, who was legendary for the enormous and multiple 6 or 8 inch high plates he would put together for himself at congregation "get togethers" with food served buffet style. Like, seriously, the plate would be nearly as piled high as it was wide. Then he'd go back and do it again. And again. Then get a dessert plate or 3 or 4.
Never gained an ounce. It was a source of wonderment to everyone.
Anyway, once when a bunch elders were on a coffee break with a particularly zealous CO, we were laughingly recounting some of the awesome Joey-Chestnut-style sprees this guy would go on.
The CO suddenly grew deathly pale and exclaimed "That's gluttony!"
We had to talk him down from trying to remove the elder from his position, or who knows, maybe even try to DF him.
the part in the meeting this week about jehovahs loving provisions for women.
all about the certificate of divorce and remarriage.
my wife wondered where the provision was for a wife with a rotten husband.
Wives were considered "property" rather than "persons" in most of the "civilized" western world until just a few centuries ago.
Once you understand that, then a lot of the misogynistic laws in the OT make more sense.
sorry if i shouldn't be posting this, i am not jw however i have had past experiences with jw's and was learning a lot about the religion, in hopes to convert one day.
it all ended suddenly and i guess i feel guilty for not learning more, i would get scared at the thought of bible studies and discussions in case it brought back memories.
i was looking for any advice on the best ways i can find out more please.
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Hmm, I guess in the pandemic, "just show up at Gate A at lunch time" and the JW convention strut don't work as well now.
this is a confidential letter for all full time servants like cos, regular pioneers, bethel and branch workers so please don't tell anyone about this.. reminder 20,000 jws have died of covid and 99% of those who died or were hospitalized in the united states branch territory were not vaccinated, so whose fault is that???.
my question, how did they get the information that all these 20,000 jws were not vaccinated?.
hint; if you want to continue to share in spiritual privileges--------------------get vaccinated.
Is there a link to the actual document?
Or can someone at least copy & paste it?
I'm still not masochistic enough to watch these interminable video critiques.
one thing i've learnt over the years is to read between the lines.. that means reading statements carefully.. if you have never met someone, would you say "i have never met them" or would you say "i don't remember ever meeting them"?.
the latter is just a get-out out in case evidence is presented that you did in fact meet them, because there is a photo of you with your arm around them in the upstairs of a pedo's friends, girlfriends house, which you also claim you never went to.. what will happen if the us jails a uk royal?
who knows.. before then i just hope he does another of those "utterly convincing" bizarre interviews to "prove" how he couldn't have done it because he is incapable of sweating (cut to photo of sweating andrew).
I suspect there are many dozens, if not hundreds, of famous folks who are absolutely terrified at the thought that full details of their association with Epstein & actions related to such may become known.
i’ve been trying to find any recent quotes that say the increase in witnesses every year is evidence of jehovah’s blessing on the organisation.. i know the ready made excuse if there is a decrease is “love of greater number will cool off”….
after splanes talk i can feel a significant decrease coming..
allowing them to count 15 minutes writing a letter that will end up in the bin.
It's now even more lenient than that. JWs can just report that they were "active" in the ministry for the month, if they had, I guess, one nanosecond or more of "giving a witness".
The instructions are that if someone reports as merely "active", the word "active" is recorded on their publisher card for that month. Of course, if they did have "hours", they are expected to provide the number.
This arrangement applies to all JWs, not just ones approved by the service committee.
But, obviously, anyone with "privileges" would be expected to report "hours", thus continuing to be "exemplary".