I'm no attorney, but I suspect a video message proclaiming "It's OK! The prostitutes I used all assured me that they were of legal age!" isn't quite the strong defense he thinks it is.
Perhaps a real attorney convinced him of the same.
lloyd has taken his video down: has anyone got a copy of it?.
I'm no attorney, but I suspect a video message proclaiming "It's OK! The prostitutes I used all assured me that they were of legal age!" isn't quite the strong defense he thinks it is.
Perhaps a real attorney convinced him of the same.
here is a copy of loyd's facebook latest comment.
all were in their 20s or older
I can see paradise.....and the date of birth on the notarized copy of your birth certificate....by the dashboard light.....
original reddit post (removed).
If Watchtower or JW lurkers are reading, we are not all sexually deviant as Lloyd has insinuated.
100% true.
And 100% meaningless - if WT monitors this site and/or reddit (which they almost certainly do, or pay someone to do), they will 110% use this incident to paint all "apostates" as child-raping deviants to their adherents.
This incident will have done more to drive fence-sitters back to "mother" than any of his videos have done to influence anyone to leave.
in a recent post ffghost made a comment about how they're always inserting modern concepts into biblical narratives to make it relatable to jw's organization.
here are some that come to mind:.
- the capitalized term "governing body" when referring to the older men in jerusalem (really just another group of christians that paul outspokenly disagreed with and didn't look to for approval).
The WT publications used to teach that Adam, of all people, wrote a portion of Genesis and that Noah's family preserved copies of that portion of Genesis in the ark through the flood.
I've never heard that before - would love to see a quote. I'd guess it was something from the 20's or 30's.
David Splane claimed that the whole of archaeology, historiology and geology are all WRONG because their demonstrated age for the Great Sphinx contradicts the Governing Body's unsupported and egregiously dogmatic interpretation of Genesis.
The infuriating part of this is that he is one of the probably, at best, 2 or 3 guys on the GB with sufficient intelligence to actually understand how stupid his claim that it's "all wrong" is. So in the classic "evil or deluded" question regarding GB members, I think that puts him squarely on the "evil" side of the ledger.
original reddit post (removed).
How much do you want to bet a WT article or broadcast is going to bring out some of these details, without naming his name, after which they will bash apostates with a wide brush stroke?
JW Broadcasting, May 2022:
"One prominent apostate who made videos attacking Jehovah's organization solicited donations from his viewers, and then used those funds to travel to an Asian country to hire underage prostitutes! Clearly we see how far into moral decadence apostates fall. Truly the scripture at 2 Peter 2:22 has proved true yet again, 'The dog has returned to its own vomit, and the sow that was bathed to rolling in the mire.' Brothers and sisters, don't let the same thing happen to you! Stick close to Jehovah's organization, and avoid apostate material like the plague that it is."
in a recent post ffghost made a comment about how they're always inserting modern concepts into biblical narratives to make it relatable to jw's organization.
here are some that come to mind:.
- the capitalized term "governing body" when referring to the older men in jerusalem (really just another group of christians that paul outspokenly disagreed with and didn't look to for approval).
4 disciples! I missed Andrew sitting in the foreground with his back to the viewer, can't tell if he has a beard or not.
in a recent post ffghost made a comment about how they're always inserting modern concepts into biblical narratives to make it relatable to jw's organization.
here are some that come to mind:.
- the capitalized term "governing body" when referring to the older men in jerusalem (really just another group of christians that paul outspokenly disagreed with and didn't look to for approval).
Obviously Judas of the Sicarii
I actually thought of that but given the artwork (Jesus on a hill overlooking Jerusalem with 3 disciples) it seems they want to convey the Matthew 24 / Mark 13 scenario, which would make the 3 disciples Peter, James, and John.
there is another way to fellowship with your loved ones after disagreeing with the wt besides getting reinstated.
all you have to do is fling yourself off a boat and start drowning, says watchtower:.
"suppose, then, a member of a christian congregation boating on a lake were to see another boat containing a disfellowshiped person capsize, throwing the disfellowshiped one into the water where he struggled to stay afloat.
I think they also said, around that same time, that a JW was "permitted" to help a DF'ed person change a flat tire on the side of the road.
Note the date of that WT - it is during the time when Ray Franz had more influence in the GB, and attempts were made to sand down the roughest edges of the organization.
Of course, 6 years later, Ray was kicked off the GB & later DF'ed himself, and the hardliners took over (and have been in charge ever since).
EDIT - I see Jeffro posted the quote regarding the flat tire. Good to know my memory still works!
in a recent post ffghost made a comment about how they're always inserting modern concepts into biblical narratives to make it relatable to jw's organization.
here are some that come to mind:.
- the capitalized term "governing body" when referring to the older men in jerusalem (really just another group of christians that paul outspokenly disagreed with and didn't look to for approval).
What's weird (OK, additionally weird) about that 1968 picture is that one of the apostles listening does have a beard.
If your goal is to drive home the message "beards are bad" why draw one on a "good guy"?
i just picked up a few from mark jones as follows:.
i see is that the vast majority of jws don't seem to understand what their religion actually teaches.. the more controversial or embarrassing doctrine - although still official doctrine that has never been rescinded - is just not talked about anymore in the magazines.
there are dinosaurs living on venus.https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/2fowhx/dinosaurs_on_venus/.
LOL - we are now 108 years removed from 1914.
I remember a CO I had in the 70's & repeated in the 90s. He always managed to worm in "we are now in the 80th year of Kingdom rule" (if the talk was given in 1994) or "82nd year of Kingdom rule" (1996), etc.
I imagine he is long since turned to dust, or if not then he is certainly retired, but I wonder if he would have had the nerve to say "108th year of Kingdom rule...." now.
Did Jesus & Paul refer to the "last days" or the "last centuries"?