@smiddy3 The rank and file are waking up at an alarming rate, especially the well educated. The internet has too much information for them to avoid. In the most commonly used search engines JW org also pulls up JW Facts, and some of the "great crowd" and those that they study with have to be tempted to click on "apostate" websites. WT claims 8 million followers, but it's probably 6 million brainwashed cult puppies.
JoinedPosts by Deltron3030
How the Governing Body elite are really Doomsday Preppers and always have been paranoid
by Terry inwatchtower boondoggle from 1929, better known as the house of princes.
this was built in 1929 to house the newly resurrected “ancient worthies” such as abraham, david, and other old testament men of faith which were supposed to have been already resurrected in the year 1925.
(note: it didn’t happen.).
Now you don't even have to go to the Kingdom Hall - ALL meetings to be recorded & available on jw.org (if you have a password)
by sir82 inlatest boe letter:.
october 22, 2015. to all bodies of eldersre: use of jw stream.
dear brothers:we are writing to inform you that arrangements are being made for video recordings ofcongregation meetings, circuit assemblies, and conventions to be uploaded to jw stream (accessibleat http://stream.jw.org) in various languages.
My dad is an elder, and they announced at a Wednesday meeting that JW Stream would be available for disabled people, so now everybody is claiming to be disabled. Lol. He should have read the part of the letter that said there was no need to announce it! Every penny pinching lazy Jw that doesn't want to travel is getting the password. It shows how little they care about seeing each other face to face.
WT / JW Doctrine ,Satan cast out of Heaven in 1914 ? He has always had access to the earth ? Since Eve .
by smiddy3 inthis doctrine / belief that jehovah`s witnesses have , surely raises a few questions that they do not address.. 1.this spirit being challenged god by questioning his authority and offering eve an alternative making himself satan.. and this took place on earth ,the garden of eden.
so he who became satan had access to the earth.. 2. all throughout the old testament , the hebrew scriptures do we find examples of satan interfering with gods plan of things either by himself or his followers .. 3.their are just too many examples to list individually ,however a few key ones would be , the nephilim , job when god in heaven asks him where he has been , and his reply , from roving about on the earth .
, etc.etc.. 4.and of course in the new testament , where jesus is taken up into a mountain to be tempted by satan for fourty days ?.
You are 100% correct! This is the arguement I've been having with my JW dad for 2 decades. If Satan is questioning Gods right to rule, why is the world so crappy? Wouldn't it be a lavish wonderland full of glitter and unicorns that spit rainbows? Why do JW's claim to be persecuted by Satan AND claim to be in a bullet proof spiritual paradise? I think it's because good and evil have always been, and will always be. JW's over complicate everything. The earth is spiraling out of control because mankind can't unite to accomplish anything and they never will. Modern technology is the only reason why things have gotten worse. There were no AR-15's years ago, so maniacs couldn't kill 26 people in 30 seconds. WW1 was so bad, because soldiers stopped rising horses onto open battlefields. Some unsophisticated armies still did, but for the most part they would dig in and blow each other apart with more advanced weaponry than was ever seen before at the time. 1914 is just like the WT obsession with 1919. They're just dates with no significant meaning. Evil has always been here, as well as good, and is up to us to decide what we decide to do with our 70-100 years on this planet.
My comment is scatter brained, but hopefully some of you will be able to understand my thought pattern.
JW's Thoughts On Legal Marijuana
by Deltron3030 incan jehovahs witnesses ingest marijuana in states where it's legal?
can they use it medically and recreationally in legal states?
If I was a JW and I was prescribed marijuana for a serious medical condition I would just keep it to myself, but I don't think that'll be a concern, since I'll never join. I found so much information about the hypocrisy and flawed doctrines that I can't imagine wasting another second studying with them. I would love to share some of the things I've heard with the JW's I know, but from what I've read, they won't listen out of fear that they'll be labeled an apostate. It's really a sad situation. They don't know anything going on in the organization they've dedicated their lives to. That's definitely cult status.
JW's Thoughts On Legal Marijuana
by Deltron3030 incan jehovahs witnesses ingest marijuana in states where it's legal?
can they use it medically and recreationally in legal states?
I found the answer. Medical Marijuana, but not recreational.
"If a medical doctor authorizes and/or prescribes marijuana for a medical problem, a Christian may choose to make use of this form of treatment. - Shepherding The Flock of God 2019"
JW's Thoughts On Legal Marijuana
by Deltron3030 incan jehovahs witnesses ingest marijuana in states where it's legal?
can they use it medically and recreationally in legal states?
Dress and Grooming: Sisters In Stilettos?
by Deltron3030 ini attended several meetings, and i was shocked at how some of the jw's dress.
is it just my area (tennessee), or is it a widespread problem?
"Also, please post the pictures of the sisters in stilettos and fishnet stockings and skin tight micro-minnie skirts before you go. I'm very concerned about their spiritual well being."
No, that's never gonna happen. That's really weird, and disconcerting. I'll let those hoes work that out with their "heavenly father."
What bothered me? The constant quoting of my comments is one thing. Just @ me, because I remember what I wrote. Another thing is Rub trolling around for no apparent reason. Then he suggests that TN people are inbred, but no, I'm wrong for cursing.
I'm seriously trying to figure out what I'm going to do about studying. At least I was. I see now that it's not for me. The only good thing is I met a couple of people that understand what I'm going through.
So yeah, I'm good. I'm outta here. ✌
Dress and Grooming: Sisters In Stilettos?
by Deltron3030 ini attended several meetings, and i was shocked at how some of the jw's dress.
is it just my area (tennessee), or is it a widespread problem?
Straight up immature little brats. For real JW's in disguise lol
Dress and Grooming: Sisters In Stilettos?
by Deltron3030 ini attended several meetings, and i was shocked at how some of the jw's dress.
is it just my area (tennessee), or is it a widespread problem?
I emailed the moderators and asked for my comments, or entire account to be deleted. It's just like weak minded people to run and tattle tail when confronted by someone with a strong personality. Lol, are you sure you're not elders?
Dress and Grooming: Sisters In Stilettos?
by Deltron3030 ini attended several meetings, and i was shocked at how some of the jw's dress.
is it just my area (tennessee), or is it a widespread problem?
You can fuck off too @Blue Balls
I don't know fuck all about what JW's in other areas wear when I've only seen pictures of them in their books and in 1 KH. I'm not easily shocked, but I am confused by this religion, AND now this site.