Leolaia and Narkissos
- Context is everything. I disagree with you that no element of duration is implied in verse 2 necessitating the rendering 'In time' as specified by the verb yiten, an imperfect form combined with waw. This form can be used to indicate succession such as 'in time' or 'and then' but the context such as verse 1 does indicate duration by the expression "and proceeded to lay seige to it". Hence, it may be the case that NWT as a literal transalation is simply recognizing the context and the precise verbal form is translating accurately the Hebrew.
Thus it is not 'over translating' but simply being the most accurate-brilliant translation ever made and we all can be so ever grateful to the Author of the Holy Scriptures and His Holy Spirit and the 'celebrated WT scholars for making this possible in this most important of times.
scholar JW