The big difference must be on the JW teaching of “presence” (parousia) and “coming”. JWs teach that Christ is already present invisibly and the faithful have to accept this unprovable teaching, just as they must accept that an invisible Christ appointed eight men to control the JW organisation which they claim Christ controls. No evidence for any of that - it’s unprovable.
The Parousia is proved by fulfilment of the 'Sign' that Jesus gave in relation to His Parousia in the form of visible events certainly manifest by what happened aftewr1914 with the outbreak of the Great War- Spanish Flu, a worldwide pandemic, appearance of false prophets and Christs with His chosen ones exhorted to be busy in the Lord's work as illustrated parabolically keeping on the watch, not being fulfilled by Christendom or the Anglican Church of Australia..
The teaching of Christ’s Return is part of mainstream christian beliefs and I know that in Anglican churches in Sydney public prayers include the desire to witness that and soon.
The churches teach the need to keep on the watch, preparedness,
What utter nonsense. I was raised as an Anglican going to church with my mother until I was contacted by the Witnesses in 1958. My Godmother gave me a copy of the Anglican Prayer Book which sts out the teachings of the Church leading to confirmation and I was baptized twice as an Anglican. My knowledge of Anglican beliefs shows no interest in Eschatology and I remember Paul Barnet, a former Anglican Bishop at North Sydney wrote a small book on Revelation which did not set out any modern day fulfilment of the Revelation
The Nicene Creed which is upheld by Christendom does in its latter part makes reference to the following elements of Eschatology and ONE Holy Apostolic Church-
Resurrection of the Dead
Life of the World to Come- Blessedness and Condemnation
Life of the World to Come- Christs Return, the Judgement and Eternal Life.
One never hears any clergy speak about such matters but this is what Witnesses not only teach but preach publicly.
scholar JW