I see no evidence let alone proof that Daniel 4 has a secondary fulfillment. I see only speculation. If it is not stated, it is merely assumed.
The evidence is as summarized:
1. The fact that in Daniel 4 there several references about God's Kingdom
2. The fact that the book of Daniel has 'God's Kingdom as its main theme
3. The fact that the Aramaic word iddan and iddanim meaning 'times' and 'times' has both a lieral and figurative meaning according to Hebrew Lexicons
4. The fact that Jesus in Luke 21:24 made a direct reference to 'times' in connection with the city of Jerusalem which is consistently iswed in the Bible as a antitype representing again God' s Kingdom
5. The fact that the Old Greek version of Daniel 4 makes a direct refeence to the Fall of the Judean Monarchy as faound in the commentary on Daniel in the Heremeneia commentary series by Danielic scholar John Collins.
6. The fact that Daniel 4 could not have just had a literal meaning of 'seven years' because such supporters do not believe that this was an historical event and is not found in NB Chronology that Nebuchadnezzer was vacant from the throne for those seven years.
7. The fact that schlars observe the relevance of Lukan Eschatology in both Luke and Acts
Can you quote a nonJW "scholar" who supports this WTS claim?
Why do you think Jesus couldn't predict 1914 based on Daniel 4?
The year 191`4 is tabulated in a very different calendrical system to that used in Jesus day but a clue to His thinking in relation to His Kingdom is given in the book of Revelation wherein He makes refence to the 'Lord's Day' which we believe to have begun in 1914 CE
scholar JW