Sea Breeze
FYI, All Christians (pre-millennial) teach the gospel of a literal Kingdom headed by Jesus. Churches call this the Millennium Reign. As a scholar, surely you are aware that the gospel of the kingdom is a strong minority compared to the various gospels taught in the NT.
Gospel of Jesus Christ (or Christ ) β 12 times
Gospel of God β 7 times
Gospel of the kingdom β 4 times
Gospel of peace β 2 times
Gospel of the grace of God β 1 time
Gospel of your salvation β 1 time
Gospel of the uncircumcision β 1 time
Gospel of the circumcision β 1 time
Gospel of his Son β 1 time
With your analysis of the term 'Gospel',, What then is the Gospel?
During the Church Age (Age of Grace) Christians were to preach the gospel of grace-Jesus-God-salvation. Paull described this as the ministry of reconciliation. He did not preach the gospel of the kingdom... that is for a future time, as it is for us as well.
During the Church Age of the First Century, Christians then living were Christ's Ambassadors who carried out a ministry of reconciliation - 2 Cor.5:18 and preach the Gospel as a message of the reconciliation - 2 Cor. 5:19. The Gospel is a message of reconciliation preached not only in the First Century but also during the Last Days by the new, restored Eschatological Church which now preaches the Gospel' the good news of God's Kingdom by His Winesses.
Surely, you would agree that JW's do not preach a ministry of grace or reconciliation like Paul. This is because the WT has convinced them that the dispensation of Grace is already over with....too late. Not so. It is still going on.
False, JW's most certainly preach the only Gospel which of course is a message of reconciliation as an expression of God's Grace or undeserved kindness to all men of goodwill.
.The Good News of the Kingdom will primarily be preached during the Great Tribulation as the Age of Grace comes to a close and the birth of God's Kingdom will replace the beastly Anti-Christ World rule.
It is only Jehovah's Witnesses who are carrying the proclamation of the Gospel- good news to the Kingdom.
scholar JW