The 1914 parousia is bogus and spurious to scripture.
This is your opinion. The fact of the matter is that 1914 marking the end of the Gentile times followed by the Parousia are elements of the Olivet Discourse which in total is Eschatology. Eschatology is a major part of the entire NT so before you dismiss the view of others you should have your own Eschatology and that seems to be missing from you so unless you have something to offer then you could learn from others who do have something to offer.
And as I said, everything in Matthew 24:1-35 was fulfilled in the first century and that obviously includes verse 30.
It also includes the Jews who survived the first-century tribulation being deported into the surrounding nations. Luke 21:24
You are correct here because Jesus' answer to His disciples featured a first-century fulfilment and its tribulation but His answer also pointed to the future or showed an eschatological focus which was further developed by the book of Revelation the activity of an eschatological Church of the anointed remnant.
The question is, does the text allow for dual fulfilment. Will the Jews be deported once again? And the answer is a definite no.
Again, this is simply your opinion. The Olivet Discourse contains an answer from the Master to three questions from His disciples and it is only the first question that applies to the first century in connection with the Jewish Temple. the latter questions and answers clearly point to a future time -eschatological as recognized by many commentators.
scholar JW