There is no need to ditch the 1914 teaching as it is based on solid exegesis of relevant biblical texts fulfilling Bible prophecy such as the historic and prophetic 'Gentile Times' and the inauguration of God's Kingdom with the latter doctrine thematic throughout the Bible.
Further, 1he 1914 teaching is firmly established on wondrous Bible Chronology which proved beyond doubt that Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 BCE rather than the secular dates of 586/587 and 588 BCE all of which have been proposed by various scholars
The 1914 teaching forms part of an eschatological triennium: 1914, 1918 and 1919 CE all of which are descriptive of the development and existence of God's people during the 'time of the end' according to Daniel the Prophet and the Apostle John the Revelation and Lukan Eschatology.
In short, the 1914 teaching is firmly founded, enshrined by leading expositors in the past and validated by the fulfilment of Bible Prophecy pertaining to the Sign of the Parousia.
scholar JW emeritus