You ask for opinions on Greg Stafford'd recent two publications, Jehovah's Witnesses Defended and the Three Dissertations. In his Defended publication he does a good jog in presenting in a excellent academic format the biblical theology of the Witnesses. His apolegetics is excellent in covering Christology and Anti Trinitarianism with up to date scholarship and good use of Patristics literature. His discussion of Salvation in a separate chapter is well presented. The earliest chapter on Jehovah contrast favorably as opposed to the nonsense that Raymond Franz wrote in his Search for Christian Freedom. Overall, Greg has done well with this book.
The position changes significantly with his Three Dissertations where he has deserted sound scholarship as expressed in his previous book. He shows a failure to understand the theology of the Church and launches into an attack on the Organization under the guise of conscience. Greg fails to realize that interpretation is difficult as shown by the fact that many commentaries differ on scripture and so caution must proceed before any dogmatism on certain texts such as Matt 45:47.
He has done a excellent survey of the Society.s chronolgy but has failed to grasp the key issues regarding the Jonsson hypothesis. He is correct in concentrating on the seventy years and correctly shows that each of the principal texts is open to interpretation. He fails though to form an definte view and has exposed himself to any sort of opinion. I would argue that in the case of chronology that there is suffiicient evidence to be certain about dates and an interpretation arising from that. In regards to chronology Stafford has yielded too much to the opinions of higher critics and this must cause spiritual weakness.
BA MA Studies in Religion