Post 1558
Again you repeat the rehashed arguments of the Jonsson hypothesis, argumenst that I have skilfully didposed of on this board numerous times.
scholar JW
here is a picture-based explanation of the "seventy years" prophesied by jeremiah..
please note that there are several pages and that you should set your pdf reader to full page.. as i said before, i have a red-green color vision deficiency, but this time i have taken the plunge and used color.
please tell me where i need to make corrections with the colors.. as always, i appreciate your suggestions for improvements, corrections and additions.. doug.
Post 1558
Again you repeat the rehashed arguments of the Jonsson hypothesis, argumenst that I have skilfully didposed of on this board numerous times.
scholar JW
here is a picture-based explanation of the "seventy years" prophesied by jeremiah..
please note that there are several pages and that you should set your pdf reader to full page.. as i said before, i have a red-green color vision deficiency, but this time i have taken the plunge and used color.
please tell me where i need to make corrections with the colors.. as always, i appreciate your suggestions for improvements, corrections and additions.. doug.
Post 1557
The Bible most definitely describes the seventy years as exilic. Jeremiah 29:10 was written to the captives in Babylon. Jeremiah25:11 states that the Jews had to serve Babylon for seventy years and read the whole book of Lamentations describes their exile in Babylon and the restoration.The seventy years was also a period servitude and desolation as confiremed by the testimony of Josephus.
scholar JW
here is a picture-based explanation of the "seventy years" prophesied by jeremiah..
please note that there are several pages and that you should set your pdf reader to full page.. as i said before, i have a red-green color vision deficiency, but this time i have taken the plunge and used color.
please tell me where i need to make corrections with the colors.. as always, i appreciate your suggestions for improvements, corrections and additions.. doug.
Post 1556
The Bible nowhere says that the seventy years began in 609 BCE or the event that you ascribe to that date.
The historical judgement described by Jeremiah was not here fall in 539 BCE but her destruction which happened only after the fulfilling of the seventy years besides Daniel confirmed that the seventy years had not then finished at the time of Darius whose reign began after the Fall of Babylon in 539 BCE.
scholar JW
here is a picture-based explanation of the "seventy years" prophesied by jeremiah..
please note that there are several pages and that you should set your pdf reader to full page.. as i said before, i have a red-green color vision deficiency, but this time i have taken the plunge and used color.
please tell me where i need to make corrections with the colors.. as always, i appreciate your suggestions for improvements, corrections and additions.. doug.
Post 1555
Scholars have not got a clue as to what date would properly mark the 'end' or 'complete end' of the Assyrian World Power as shown by surveying reference works so your use of a 'fuzzy' beginning of the seventy years is unwise and foolish. The dates of 605 or 609 BCE are useless in this regard.
Your opinion is incompatible with the Bible and is not up to fate with current scholarship because you would not know what scholarship is about because you do not research but simply give your interpretation of the Bible.
My comment on Jeremiah 25:12 is what the text plainly says and is supported by leading commentaries which have that same observation.. The 'calling to account' is explained by Jeremiah is Babylon's destruction and not her fall as you claim which began only after the seventy years was fulfilled which was in 537 BCE.
scholar JW
if you are looking for the simplest picture that shows how the wts calculates that jerusalem was destroyed in 607 bce, and if you want to understand basic problems with their method, this might be what you want..
(make sure that your pdf reader displays the whole page.).
Post 516
I take your point but I do not share your concern. It is only apostates and our critics who make much of our 'date setting' and the failure of some of our prophetic speculations. They fail to give us credit for those dates that have proven to be reliable and accurate such as 607, 537BCE, 1914 and 1975 CE. Chronology has always been a subject of intense interest for earnest Bible Students as it is the bedrock for the fulfillment of prophecy and the framework for the presentation of history, in the pursuit of such noble objectives it is reasonable to expect a margin of error but over time adjustments are truly appropriate and necessary. I am proud of our heritage and our effort to present eschatology in such a manner as to inspire faith in God's prophetic Word to the betterment and enlightenment of 'sheeplike' ones hungering for truth.
scholar JW
if you are looking for the simplest picture that shows how the wts calculates that jerusalem was destroyed in 607 bce, and if you want to understand basic problems with their method, this might be what you want..
(make sure that your pdf reader displays the whole page.).
I have never doubted the integrity of 1914 and my academic and biblical study in all matters asssociated with that date have exceeded my expectations and that is the reason that I am an apologist for such matters. I have used my academic studies to provide me with the necessary intellectual skills to defend and criticize those opposing viewpoints.
scholar JW
the bible students in 1918 numbered very few, fewer than 6,000. within three years, the number tripled.. the "intriguing subject" they proclaimed from 1918 through 1922 was "millions now living will never die.
" upwards of 70,000 attended to hear this message proclaimed in germany alone.
the talk series had a longer title, "the world has endedmillions now living will never die.
Auld Soul
Post 5836
I have not read this lecture nor do I have a copy of it. I do intend to purchase a copy of it soon so until I have examined critically the material it would be unwise of me to make further comment. If you have a copy would you email the document so that I can respond to your inquiry.
scholar JW
if you are looking for the simplest picture that shows how the wts calculates that jerusalem was destroyed in 607 bce, and if you want to understand basic problems with their method, this might be what you want..
(make sure that your pdf reader displays the whole page.).
Post 513
I do not agree that there erroneous teachings coming from the FDS. I believe that they and they alone are servants of the Master and they are fulfilling the prophecies in the Bible. They have made mistakes but as the light of truth continues to shine then it is easily seen what group og people truly constitute the true church.
scholar JW
the bible students in 1918 numbered very few, fewer than 6,000. within three years, the number tripled.. the "intriguing subject" they proclaimed from 1918 through 1922 was "millions now living will never die.
" upwards of 70,000 attended to hear this message proclaimed in germany alone.
the talk series had a longer title, "the world has endedmillions now living will never die.
Auld Soul
You sent me a pm regarding the matter of that famous lecture. I could not respond because I could not access the Reply feature on this forum. There must be a technical glitch which the Administrator of the Forum must fix.
My response to your inquiry is simply this. Have you read a transcript of the Lecture? Or are you simply relying on hearsay about so called specific prophecies? One must get all of the facts first. When you get the specific points then I will proceed further with you and kindly help you in this matter.
scholar JW
here is a picture-based explanation of the "seventy years" prophesied by jeremiah..
please note that there are several pages and that you should set your pdf reader to full page.. as i said before, i have a red-green color vision deficiency, but this time i have taken the plunge and used color.
please tell me where i need to make corrections with the colors.. as always, i appreciate your suggestions for improvements, corrections and additions.. doug.
Doug Mason
Post 239
I wish to respond to some of your answers.
The seventy years was a period of not only servitude to Babylon but also an exile in Babylon during which time their homeland was desolate for a fixed period of seventy years. Babylon fell in 539 BCE to a new power under Cyrus who soon after in 537 BCE officially ended their exile or servitude with the return of the Jews in 537 BCE. This is confirmed by the simple fact that during the reign of Darius in his 'first year' that Danile discerned that the seventy years had not then ended after the fact of Babylon's Fall in 539 BCE. There is no exegesis that escapes the simple fact of Daniel 9:1.2 that the seventy years was soon yet to end tied also to the fact that the land was a devastated place.
Your comment that the period began 'religiously' with Josiah's reign is nonsense and is not supported by any evidence. Again you blur the matter by a 'religious' and 'political' beginnings without mentioning a precise or definite year. You avoid the issue by blurring or muddying the waters because you well know that defining the beginning of the seventy years according to your hypothesis is impossible.
scholar JW