The Bible Students in 1918 numbered very few, fewer than 6,000. Within three years, the number tripled.
The "intriguing subject" they proclaimed from 1918 through 1922 was "Millions Now Living Will Never Die." Upwards of 70,000 attended to hear this message proclaimed in Germany alone. The talk series had a longer title, "The World Has Ended—Millions Now Living Will Never Die." The message was distributed in written form to millions of people in 30 languages. (Proclaimers, chapter 22, p. 425)
Since the world had not ended in 1914, as the talk proclaimed, and people of merely 20 years of age who heard the talk are now from 104 to 109 years of age, if they are still breathing at all, was this talk and preaching campaign an instance of false prophecy? If not, what was it?
In other words, were the beginnings of real organizational growth spawned by truth or by untruths?
I am very curious to know why the Watchtower Society seems to speak glowingly of this talk series to this very day, when in my opinion, the outrageous claims it made were obviously not true. So if any active JWs could please help me understand why I should not regard this talk series and preaching campaign as false prophecy, I would appreciate them sharing their rationale.