Post 2107
There are a number of things that must be said in relation to the subject of the date 607's accuracy and superiority over the other dates proposed for the Fall of Jerusalem.
1. The date 607 BCE is a precise calculation for the Fall whereas other dates are imprecise i.e no precise date is agreed. Serious scholars propose 586, apostaes and other WT critics propose 587. So, where we are definite on the matter right to the very month the others are 'fuzzy' on this matter.
2, The date 607 BCE is based on the historical record of the Bible, utilizes regnal data from secular chronologies and other secular historians such as Josephus.
3. The date 607 BCE exposes the twenty year gap in Neo-Babylonian chronology as recently proved in the research by Rolf Furuli in his two volume published work on Neo-Babylonian, Persian, Assyrian Chronology.
4. The date 607 BCE validates the Bible as a book of prophecy in connection with the Gentile Times ending in 1914 CE beginning the installation of God's Kingdom in our time.
5. The date 607 BCE restores and focuses attention on the fulfillment of prophecy in connection with Judah, Jerusalem and its Temple.
6. The date 607 BCE validates the historicity of the 'seventy years' which in contrast has been 'buried' by secular chronologies.
7. The date 607 BCE exposes the imperfection of Neo-Babyloian chronology and history/
8. The date 607 BCE has a simple methodology as to its computation and is firmly based on several lines of evidence:
The Decree of Cyrus and the Return of the Jews in 537 BCE
Seventy years of desolation, servitude to Babylonian rule, exile in Babylon all confirmed by Josephus
Destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzer in his 18th regnal year and in Zedekiah's 11 th regnal year
These three facts are described in the Bible, confirmed by secular evidence and Josephus agrees with this triangulation of biblical and historical data
9. The date 607 BCE utilizes a universally agreed absolute date by scholars that is the Fall of Babylon in 539 BCE whereas other conflicting secular chronologies have no universal absolute date for their computation.
10. The date 607 BCE is based on a simple methodology which is an 'event-based' methodology in contast to other secular chronologies which are 'regnal-based creating numerous technical problems of calendation.
The above list is by no means exhaustive but illustrates the superioity of 607 BCE over all of the other proposed dates of which there are many. Now sit back and watch the 'feathers fly' as the apostates 'beat' themselves over the brilliant scholarship of the 'celebrated WT scholars' whose humble research glorifies Jehovah and His Word and is greatly appreciated by 'scholar'.
scholar JW