Hubby is Researching 607...

by cognac 183 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognac

    Would you say that's the beginning of the end? Hubby's researching if the beginning date can be proven from the bible its starting date is 607. Clearly, he won't find the answer...

    Here's hoping he will see the light...

  • leavingwt

    Well, that certainly sounds encouraging. If he has an open mind, he'll surely be affected in some way.

  • cognac

    I think so Leaving... He seems to be researching it logically verses trying to jump through hoops to make the borg right somehow...

  • TD
    Would you say that's the beginning of the end?

    Possibly. Some JW's don't go far enough to grasp the real problem: 539 is established using data and methods antithetical to 607

  • OnTheWayOut

    Connect a few dots for him if needed, but wait to see if needed:

    If they are wrong about 607, wrong about 1914, then they are wrong about Jesus choosing them in 1919 and wrong about their being the faithful and discreet slave. If they are not the FDS in the last days, nothing from them is from God but just from a handful of men.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Yes, if he has an ounce of intellectual honesty, this is the beginning of the end.

    If he researches it all the way, and finds the facts, then he's gone.

  • AllTimeJeff

    The fact is that the same sources the WT uses for 539 as the date of the release of the Jews from Babylon state that Jerusalem was destroyed in 586/587.

    Hope he enjoys learning this.

  • tooktheredpill

    I'm very happy for you, Cognac! And I'll keep my fingers crossed! ;)

    The 607/587 issue was the first step in my awakening. Being an adolescent in the 80's, the 1914 explanation from the "Paradise" book was what convinced me that I was "in the Truth". 1914 was the most important teaching at that time.

    3 years ago, when I started noticing that 607 didn't appear in any history book, activated an alarm in my brain.

    The rest is history...

    Good Luck, and keep us posted!!


  • shamus100


    That's indeed very good news. I really hope things go well.

  • scholar


    I am pleased to hear that your hubby is researching 607 BCE and no doubt he will find as I have done ober the last thirty years that this date is absolutelky correct harmonizing with the Bible and secular evidence. However, he needs to be aware of apostate propaganda which has foolishly tried to malign the biblical and secular evidence for this sacred, biblical date. If he has any questions on this matter I am able to help as I have studied this subject most thoroughly.

    scholar JW

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