You are moving the goal posts. It is true, that the war declaration followed gradually after 28.7.14, however, accoring to JW theology, it was Satan inciting them to do so, after his expelling from heaven. If he was expelled October 1914, what was his job when the whole world was already in conflict? The typical trench warfare began already in September 1914...the chain reaction of Alliances, formed decades earlier, started to cascade already---
There is no need to move the goalposts as these are well fixed and placed in terms of biblical theology and modern history.
October 1914 we have the end of the Gentile Times and the establishment of the Kingdom.
After that the war in heaven broke out and Satan was ousted out of heaven to caiuse much trouble on earth this was visibley manifest by the Great War followed by other troubles since 1914 which began the parousia with all of its signs right up to the present.
The Bible does not mention the Great War as a specific event but we see by looking back in modern history that the Great War certainly is consistent with the fulfilment of prophecy.
scholar JW