Your wish is my command, valis. Will "bump and grind" for you all! Aren't you in for a holiday treat! LOL
(btt=bring to top)
i have already gotten an email from someone stating that their gift arrived safely in the mail.
i thought it would be nice to start a thread where we can post what we got (for those nosey like me who want to know!
) and a thank you.. as for me, i haven't even begun yet!
Your wish is my command, valis. Will "bump and grind" for you all! Aren't you in for a holiday treat! LOL
(btt=bring to top)
for those of you that are participating in the jw christmas gift exchange ......please post when you recieve your gift to this thread:.
i have been getting numerous emails from anxious gift givers hoping that their gifts arrived safely and to the delight of their recipients!
it would be terrible if someone didn't get a gift.
Yes it would be. I want to make sure that everyone signed up has a happy holiday.
i just feel the need to tell eveyone on this board what a great friend xenaw has been to me.
she is thoughtful ,kind, generous, funny, and trustworthy.
i know there has been alot of things said in the last few days about her and i don't know the whole story to what all is being said, has been said, about this lastest gossip.
Bought your ticket, took your ride. Now its over...get on with it, besides, there are plenty of other rides in the amusement park of life
LOL, travis! Good analogy!
for those of you that are participating in the jw christmas gift exchange ......please post when you recieve your gift to this thread:.
i have been getting numerous emails from anxious gift givers hoping that their gifts arrived safely and to the delight of their recipients!
i have already gotten an email from someone stating that their gift arrived safely in the mail.
i thought it would be nice to start a thread where we can post what we got (for those nosey like me who want to know!
) and a thank you.. as for me, i haven't even begun yet!
for those of you that are participating in the jw christmas gift exchange ......please post when you recieve your gift to this thread:.
i have been getting numerous emails from anxious gift givers hoping that their gifts arrived safely and to the delight of their recipients!
for those of you that are participating in the jw christmas gift exchange ......please post when you recieve your gift to this thread:.
i have been getting numerous emails from anxious gift givers hoping that their gifts arrived safely and to the delight of their recipients!
For those of you that are participating in the jw christmas gift exchange ......please post when you recieve your gift to this thread:
I have been getting numerous emails from anxious gift givers hoping that their gifts arrived safely and to the delight of their recipients! It would help me out tremendously!
Thanks guys!
is there anything that jumps out at you ?
did a person ever do something that was so thoughtful, that you were overwhelmed by it?
is there anything that jumps out at you ?
did a person ever do something that was so thoughtful, that you were overwhelmed by it?
I have had lots of nice things done for me in my lifetime......but the one that stands out the most was done by a stranger.
For those of you that don't know (haven't read my personal story) when my mother dropped me off at the bus station (after my decision to leave the dubs), I had no money, nowhere to go and was devastated. She simply told me to pack what I could carry, get in the car, and dropped me off at the Greyhound station. Not a hug goodbye, not a kiss, no tears from her....just a cold hearted woman.
It was cold outside and the station itself was closed. The parking lot was empty when she left. Here I sat, crying sitting on top of my suitcase. A very nice gray haired man came from nowhere, touched my shoulder and offered his warm car for me to sit in. He asked what was wrong and I told him. He listened to me while I tried to get the words out between sobs. He gave me change for the pay phone and brought my suitcase inside the station. When I was done w/my call, I turned around to thank this kind hearted man and he was gone. *POOF*
I will never know who that man was but he will always be someone special in my eyes. He was the first "worldly stranger" that disproved the dubs way of thinking that "worldly" people are bad/wrong. Here my own mother, so-called Christian, was so cruel and unkind, yet her comes a stranger who took time out of his morning to help a sobbing teenager he saw.
I may never know what his name was, where he came from......I realize that the only thanks I can give is to return his kindness and generosity to those people that somehow cross my path in life. Giving back what was given to me........God Bless him where ever he is.
i have already gotten an email from someone stating that their gift arrived safely in the mail.
i thought it would be nice to start a thread where we can post what we got (for those nosey like me who want to know!
) and a thank you.. as for me, i haven't even begun yet!