Deedee.....I can relate. I was (years ago) where you are now. What a wonderful journey you are ready to embark upon! (embark.....what a wierd word). I can't tell you where to find your answers...that is the glory of it. You have to come to your own conclusions, your own destination yourself.
For me, my spirituality began with me recovering from the harmful effects done to me in my life. The overall "spirituality picture" was too large for me to look at, so I took "baby steps". I had to learn how to take care of myself. I had to learn that I was a good person even though I was being told differently by my parents and the borg. I had to learn to be truely heal those deep wounds instead of simply "putting a scab over it". It was a very difficult time in my life but well worth it.
It also involved going to different churches just to meet people and listen to what was said. I never joined these churches and very seldom ever went more than a few times, but I went to get out and see what else was out there. I loved talking to people and seeing what their lives were like. I found it amazing to listen to how their faith effects their lives.
I learned about different cultures and beliefs. I approached these with cultural sensitivity and respect. My greatest learning experience was with the American Indian culture. In fact, I became very close to many elders w/in that community who helped me see things in a different perspective.
Do you see what I was doing? I was enlarging my circle of life a little at a time. I learned that the differences are so unique and special between us. I absolutely loved being able to look at so many different ways of beliefs.
I learned to meditate. I joined a support group. I surrounded myself with "healthy" people that ended up being more closer to me than I ever imagined.
With every baby step I began to define my spirituality. Taking what I liked and leaving the rest. For me, life is best when it is simple. I have found renewal in my spirituality by nature around me. My spirituality is unique because it is mine! I was defined from my understanding. It is very personal and very special to me.
You will find it Deedee. Remember, it is the journey.....not the destination. Start simple, start small.......and enjoy every step of it!