Very interesting thread.
I believe that each person's spirituality is very self defined and personal. Do I use the name Jehovah? Yes, privately. Do I publically, never. It is referred to as my Higher Power. My HP is still the same HP that I prayed to as a child. My view of my HP has changed, has been defined the older I get.
I spit on the borg. For many years I believe that I was "unworthy" because I was df'd. I laugh at that now. They can't take away my spirituality. I do not fear anymore that I am gonna be punished, killed, forgotten, rebuked. My HP is something that loves me as I love my children, allowing them the dignity and respect to stumble thru life and make mistakes and learn by them. My HP is unconditional and my faith in that may not be constant, but I know it is a process, not an event. I can surrender myself whatever about myself or others that I am trying to control...letting it go, turning it over, keeping it all simple. This reminds me that my HP is taking care of me and life's challenges. I am learning that I can experience resolution in life w/out always intervening. I can easily possess faith one day and struggle with it the next. There is a variable nature to faith and that is okay, it isn't an indication that it isn't possessed. It is there whether or not I feel it. I have landed in a very comfortable and secure place in my relationship w/my matter what name I refer to it by.
JoinedPosts by scootergirl
Jehovah's gonna get ya. Or is He?
by Lady Lee inok. most of us here at one time believed in the teachings of the wts.
thankfully most of us are beyond that.. i have noticed that at times i will find some other way, any other way, to avoid using the name jehovah.. and i know i'm not alone.
i see what you post!
Name a Person That You'd Love To See On This Board
by minimus ini'd love to see ray franz come on this board.
scootergirl make sure to pm, im or email me when you are coming. That is soon, right? We will most definately get together and meet. Eyegirl has moved out of the area, but I am sure she'd make a trip back this way to see you too!
who here has gone to /going to AA
by orbison11 in.
just wondering who may have and what they thought of it.. thanks orbi
I don't think "religious" is the word I would use to describe it...more self defined spirituality. But that is just take on it.
who here has gone to /going to AA
by orbison11 in.
just wondering who may have and what they thought of it.. thanks orbi
The 12 Suggested Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous 1. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol--that our lives had become unmanageable. 2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. 3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him. 4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. 5. Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs. 6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character. 7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings. 8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all. 9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others. 10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it. 11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out. 12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.
who here has gone to /going to AA
by orbison11 in.
just wondering who may have and what they thought of it.. thanks orbi
A.C.O.R.N...god that made me laugh!!!! I have been going to Alanon for about 10 years now. I use the 12 steps in everyday life...not only w/my A. but also w/everyone else in life. It has aided in my recovery not only w/dealing w/years of living w/alcoholics but also i dealing w/recovery w/my past being raised as a Dub. The 12 steps for me is a guideline of sorts. The comment was made here about spirituality and the Program. It wasn't until I really started working the Program that I understood and appreciate the meaning of "The God of MY understanding". It grounds me spiritually which is self defined by me. Let's just say that we joke in our house that our youngest will learn the 12 Steps before he learns the ABC's! LOL I do realize that AA, NA, SA, Alanon isn't for everyone, but it works for me and I will continue it till the day I die.
Emotional Wreck
by Puternut inthis move is harder than i thought it was going to be.
i have been doing the 'mental' work for this move for sometime now.
and the last week it's been the 'pysical' part.
Puternut, I can totally relate. I can count three times in my life when I have picked up and started over. This is THE first time ever that I feel like I have roots in a community-a life of my own and I am very protective of it.
Remember, moving is a big stressor in life. Once the move is over and you are settled you should feel better.
How do you relax ?
by blobby ini'm just listening to my deep purple album - made in japan...drinking a beer after i've just made the evening meal ....ah ! is do you relax ..?
True, blobby, a beer does help at times. Actually a Crown Royal and Coke is a better choice for me!
Age Difference?
by simplesally inshe is older, he is younger.
what's the largest spread in years that you have heard about that is.
1. fun.
(((wednesday))) good to see you too, hon! I pop my head in here from time to time. :)
WOO HOO I just set up an Ebay account
by ball. inwoo hoo i just set up an ebay account.
i just put a couple of items on there - but i have tonnes of crap to sell!!!
here's my stuff so far.... .
I use to sell a lot years ago on EBay. Made quite a bit of money and then what I was selling, the market got flooded. It is fun and exciting and can be a lot of work. Now, I mostly buy on there. No matter what you are looking for, it seems someone has it! If only I could get a dollar for each of my feedback!
I agree w/Princess about making a seller pay the difference when using a credit card. It doesn't matter to me when I buy, because I can either use a cc or have it taken right out of my checking. But Princess is right, I think more will buy if they can use a cc.
Also, yes, I get those damn spoof emails from Ebay and Paypal weekly! NEVER respond to them. Instead, forward the whole email to either [email protected] or [email protected] and they can look into it and will send you back a report.
How do you relax ?
by blobby ini'm just listening to my deep purple album - made in japan...drinking a beer after i've just made the evening meal ....ah ! is do you relax ..?
I relax by taking a nice bike ride, sometimes w/friends, sometimes alone.
I also enjoy sitting out on my deck and taking in the noisy quiet of the woods.