Very good list! There are a few things in there that I would do w/out (like reading the bible in line...that would probably cause me to go ballistic and cause stress for those around me! lol..but I could think of another good book that I could read that would help more). I would add one to the list and that is not to take everything in life too seriously, keep things in perspective.
JoinedPosts by scootergirl
reducing stress in your life
by teejay ingot this email from an old colleague i hadn't heard from in a while.
it offers some common sense suggestions, whether you are a believer or not.
disregard the rest... .
Steaming Angry - Forced to explain Shunning to my 5year old daughter!!!
by chok ini am absolutely hopping mad angry!!!!.
to those of you who know me, you are aware that i have been fading for over a year now.
i have a daughter who is 5 and a son who is 2 y. in brief iast year i separated from my husband, left the organisation, met someone else and am now expecting with my new partner.. well i have had the usual ups and downs with my jw family.
((chok)) I want to comment on the comment too that there are plenty here to offer support. Anytime you have this many members on a board there is bound to be someone who doesn't agree or is "callous". Take what you like and ignore the rest..that's what I do. There are many of us that understand the pain that comes w/shunning. It is an abuse of sorts and it is a shame that children have to be subject to it. Just remember, YOU are the mom and you can show and teach your little ones how NOT to act by example. Just love them..that makes up for all!
Did anyone enjoy singing the Kingdom Melodies?
by Kimmee indid anyone actually enjoy singing the kingdom melodies at the hall?
some of them were fun to sing, some of them were corny.
my brother use to sing them loud but without any sound coming out of his mouth.
Prophecor..that was my favorite too! In fact, ashamed to admit this, but I find myself humming it occassionally! LOL
Did You Have Aspirations In The Organization??
by minimus indid you think you could someday be a servant, an elder, a regular pioneer, a circuit overseer, etc.??
I became a Regular Pioneer...with hopes of being a Special Pioneer and then being a Missionary. *PUKE*
Life on the outside
by Peppermint inbeing a jehovah?s witness caused me mental anguish.
lack of love in the congregation, feelings of not doing enough or doing the wrong things.
all this made me sad.
The longer you are out, the more truth you see, the more support you experience and when you take your steps towards step at a time, you will one day look back and realize that that void was filled, you are happy and free and will understand why you went thru what you have gone thru. It's a process and what you are feeling many of us have. Change is uncomfortable sometimes, and uncertainties are scarey. Of course it was easy being in the borg w/all our decisions made for us..lives laid out neatly w/out any effort on our parts. You have a wonderful journey ahead of you to discover YOU. To find what was taken away from you and YES, life gets much better! Hang in there!
Steaming Angry - Forced to explain Shunning to my 5year old daughter!!!
by chok ini am absolutely hopping mad angry!!!!.
to those of you who know me, you are aware that i have been fading for over a year now.
i have a daughter who is 5 and a son who is 2 y. in brief iast year i separated from my husband, left the organisation, met someone else and am now expecting with my new partner.. well i have had the usual ups and downs with my jw family.
I too have walked your in your shoes (like so many of us here) and know the pain involved. It is one thing when it only effects us, but when our children are subject to it, it is something that is infuriating. I've had to explain to my children why Gramma and Grandpa won't talk to me. And even though it is painful for me to explain it to them, it also gives me the opportunity to make them understand that it isn't normal and that NOTHING that they ever do will ever cause that to happen to them.
What does God expect us to ask for in prayer?
by JH injesus said to pray continuously.
i don' pray anymore because nothing happens no matter what i ask.
ask for money, you won't get it because everyone wants money and it displeases god.. .
dh..very good response (and one that I agree with!). I don't believe that prayers for material possessions are answered. When I pray I pray that I be open to His will. I pray that for help to be the best person that I can. Just "talking",and sometimes when not finding words to say but having that spiritual connection w/your Higher Power and knowing that He/She/It is aware of what is in my heart, is enough for me.
An Appalling Lack Of Manners & Social Graces
by Why Georgia inis it just me or are a lot of jehovahs witnesses just completely mannerless and lacking in social graces?.
examples....... they don't seem to say thank you for gifts or kindnesses.. i went to quite a few gatherings and burps and farts would happen without so much as a pardon me or excuse me.
i was even told once it's natural and there is no reason to say excuse me.. they will just stop in at your house if they are in the neighborhood and stay for however long without even calling or getting your hints that you happened to be on your way out.. i have met some very nice and polite witnesses but they are few and far between.. is my experience limited - has anyone else noticed rudeness, and a lack of manners and social graces?.
My siblings and I were raised not only being dubs but also having manners. And to be honest, I can't think of any people that I came in contact w/at the KH that didn't display manners. I don't particularly believe that lack of manners is a dub characteristic, more of characteristic of an individual household.
which is worse.....?
by undercover infrom time to time some of you post letters/emails, etc that you receive from family/friends urging you to come back to the "truth", jehovah, whatever.
even though the intentions of the sender is misguided, it is apparent that they must have some affection or feeling for you to bother to send the letter.
others get no letters, no calls, no inquiries.
If given the choice, I would sooner fade away w/out any notion of insincere caring. I do not have time for hypocrites. So no encouragement would be better to me than encouragement only for the reason of returning to the borg.
What is your favorite sandwich?
by Jez in.
ok, mine is either:.
peanut butter and mayo or cheez whiz and mayo
mmmmmmmm nothing beats a nutterflutter on lighty toasted bread! (for those that don't know what it is it is peanut butter and marshmellow creme)