Chappy...good question. I can only speak for myself when I say I haven't picked up a bible in 19 yrs. To me it is just a book. I have NO idea if it was divinely inspired. I do believe it leads to many interpretations that can be very harmful and down right dangerous. In my mind it is an outdated book. A book..that's all it is to me. As far as what my thoughts are about a "Creator" w/out the influence of the bible or relgion, that for me is very simple. My spirituality involves the feeling I get way down deep inside of me knowing that I am part of something much larger. Intricate by design as we all are. To be allowed the freedom of expression to explore spirituality on a personal level and to be able to define it by my own terms brings balance and peace to my life. All I know is that I am perfectly happy to let the mystery be. To be the best person I can be, not harm anyone, be a good mother and raise my children to be good people and live my life the best way I can. If there is a God or if there isn't, my belief that I have a HP and I can connect somehow will make me a better person.
JoinedPosts by scootergirl
After all the wts crap, do any of you still believe in Jehovah?
by ButtLight ini have learned alot about the wts.
and disagree with allot of it.
but i still believe in jah.
After all the wts crap, do any of you still believe in Jehovah?
by ButtLight ini have learned alot about the wts.
and disagree with allot of it.
but i still believe in jah.
I still believe in my Higher Power. That hasn't ever changed. I still pray to the HP of my childhood..and I still do use the name Jehovah because it is comforting to me. There was a period after I left that I didn't want anything to do w/a HP. Guess I was bitter. After awhile I realized how important spirituality (NOT religion) was to me and how I could define it in my own way. So while I'll never belong to any organized religion again, I am much happier knowing that I can create my own spirituality and pray to whatever or whomever I want.
I agree...for many of us, our voices were silenced for many years and many of us stuffed our emotions. I know for me, it was always a "demon" that I had hidden deep inside and many times didn't know how nor did I have a place where I could "let it out". Those that I would try to talk to that had NO idea of what I had gone thru or was going thru just added to my frustration. It is nice to be able to come to a place and not have to explain why you are feeling the way you do and to have people who understand helped tremendously w/my healing process.
by jeanniebeanz inrecently i got a really nice collection of 15 first edition hardbound serendipity childrens books by stephen cosgrove for $23.00.
absolutely mint condition, i was thrilled.. what bargains have you all gotten?
what treasures?.
I too LOVE and am addicted to Ebay! I have been on there for about 7 yrs now..started as a seller and now just buy. Seems that whatever you are looking for, someone has to have it for sale. I haven't had any problems with it (other than the damn spoof emails that come thru for paypal and ebay). The best bargains I have found on there have been my VERY 2 large bird cages for my flock. Our brother had someone intercept is account last year and try to sell a tractor. The buyer called Randy on his cell phone asking where to send the 1k money order! He informed her that someone was using his account (somehow got all his information), reported it, got it straighted out and for a "thanks" from the buyer he receieved negative feedback! Go figure!
72% Voter Turnout in Iraq
by Elsewhere inthe voter turnout for the 2004 us presidential election was 60.7% (
despite being threatened by terrorists, iraq's voter turnout was much greater than the last us voter turnout!
i'd say it was a far greater success than expected!
I heard on the radio, but could not find any information online, that the percentage of women in the new Iraqi government is going to be as high as 25%. Do you know if this is true?
I have to find the news link again, jeannie, but yes, 25% of the seats in the assembly will go to women. I'll keep searching, found the information this morning and didn't bookmark it..aargh
seeking help
by stopthepain ini have never sought out proffesional help.i guess the way i am is part of that stubborn old school mentality of"i don't need any help".i think i can fight through alot of my a raised,insecure,unhappy,negative ex jw child,do members on this forum think someone such as myself should seek psycological help(even if yes,why?
)why can't i fully move on?does just vocalizing these issues help?.
i know the answer,but i'm afraid to deal with it.i guess i'm just having a bad day.i'm glad i have this meesage board .youve all been great,sorry to bother with my pitifull emotions,.
Chris you are oh so right about finding the right therapist. I was in and out of therapy for about 10 yrs. Some counselors didn't click w/me...but there were some that I really really liked. Trick is to find one that you are comfortable with. The ones that I "clicked" w/I still remember some of the things that they said. Some of the advice that I still draw on from time to time. One thing that I have encouraged people to ask about a therapist is if they are trained in "cult exiting". I believe that can make a difference if you are at a place where you want to delve into the issues of being involved in an organization such as the dubs. A lot of our lives are riddled w/dysfunction and codependency, low self esteem, anger and confusion due to our past. There are many that are skilled to address those issues.
I thoroughly believe in professional help. Sometimes having a neutral party that will not pass judgement and truely offers a listening ear w/out getting caught up in their emotions is what is needed to focus on our emotions. Even the strongest can struggle sometimes. I belive the worse enemy that can make a person struggle more is pride in feeling that no matter how much help that they need that they can do it alone. I'm all for trying it alone, but if that isn't working it maybe time to try a different approach.
Another thing that I have found helpful is to find people who can relate..who truely understand. Not everyone can. That isn't a slam to them...just a reality. A sense of not feeling alone helps. When you meet those w/the same backgrounds or similiaries, you can learn a lot from those that are further ahead in your journey of healing. And if you are lucky enough you can reinforce your healing by helping those behind you. It all comes full circle.
For those raised as JWs...
by Country Girl ini have found that while i can remember my childhood from ages 3-5, i can't remember much after that until i was 17 or so.
my mom came into the jws when i was 3, and i remember celebrating our last christmas.
it was a small christmas tree on the end table and it had a present for each of us (2 kids).
Countrygirl...I can relate to what you are saying. For many years my childhood was a blur. Happy memories just weren't there. I didn't remember details of growing up. I believe I blocked out a lot for many years. It wasn't until my sister, eyegirl, and I got together and started talking. It was like a dam was opened and I was flooded w/childhood memories. Good and bad...but I chose to focus on the good. It feels good to laugh w/her about our past. When our brother gets together w/us there is always giggles and laughs about the stupid crap we did as kids..the memories that were tucked away for a time when they could be brought back and appreciated and taken for what they were.
by outbutnotdown inon my "backyard rink" thread some of us were bragging about our kids.
confusedjw and scootergirl shared their kids' hockey and skating successes.. i thought it would be cool to have a thread where parents (and other relatives) could post their kids' achievements as they come along.. births, first steps, first words, sports/academic achievements, etc.
i'll start:.
What a wonderful thread! I love hearing about other families and their children! Thanks for starting this thread, outbutnotdown.
I have a 14 yr daughter (wow...lots of kids around the same age written about) that is VERY good in basketball. She jumped from C squad to Varsity in no time-which is pretty unusual for around here. She's the youngest on the team. She starts each game and plays the whole game! She's 6 feet tall already and wants to be taller yet! She has her dad's athletic ability that is for sure. She has aspirations of playing in college and wants to get a scholarship. Not only does she do extrememly well in bball...she is a terrific student. A average..takes school very seriously and loves it! She's outgoing, very well liked and for 14 is advanced beyond her years. She has never been a trouble maker and she make me and her dad very proud.
My 12 yr old son has a heart of gold. He is such a good boy. He's one of those kids that is very kind to others, taking into consideration other's feelings. Loves motocross and snowmobiles. He has such a innocent and genuiness about him. He keeps me humble. He enjoys much of what I do...and it is fun to bond w/him.
Then there is the caboose. HEHE...he's a comic. Always off the cuff..something funny to say. He' s just out there. For 5 yrs old he already has shown so much courage and strength in his life and yet giggles and smiles. He's light hearted and always smiling. He was the child that I thought I would never have (thought I would stop at two)..and I am so glad that we had him. Can't imagine life w/out this lil' guy.
Never agian after 60 yr the holocaust
by z in.
when they were young, they fought the nazis, and then bore witness to the extreme depravity of which human beings are capable.
now in or nearing their 80s and 90s, the allied soldiers who liberated the concentration camps of .
Curious if any have been following PBS's program "Auschwitz:Inside the Nazi State". It is a six part series and here it has been airing since January 19 and goes to February 2. VERY VERY good!
Desperate Housewives.......
by ScoobySnax ini love this programme,.......we get loads of crap from the states, but when they make a good!!
along with friends and simpsons.....this has got to be right up there with the classics!!!!.
go edie!!!!
At first when I saw the previews I wasn't interested in it. Then my 14 yr old watched it and being the good mother that I am (or try to be) I figured I should see what it was that she was so interested in. Have been hooked ever since! Still waiting to find out what happened to "Dana".