LHG - You see through WTC but so many do not. I give this a lot of thought on a regular basis and I still don't have a clear answer as to why this is. I know of:
1. Some very intelligent JWs who are not experiencing the detrimental effects of WTC in a severe fashion and they do not acknowledge that it is happening.
2. Others who are not so bright and are now suffering the consequences of following WTC still do not see the control in practice. They vow that the WTC magazine will only be pried out of their cold dead fingers.
3 Then there are the ones who recognize the control of WTC and fade or rebel against it. They may or may not have experienced detrimental life effects from supporting the organization.
In all 3 instances, ample proof was presented to each member but only some woke up, and rightfully left - like yourself. Why is that? There is clearly something missing in some people who are susceptible to cults and cannot leave. Any ideas what it might be? Anyone that ventures a theory or pschoanalysis, I really want to know.
Somehow I hope that we can identify a personality trait that can be reasoned with and maybe some poor souls can be helped.