LongHairGal - I think you pegged it: "so much mental pressure to live up to".
In the JW world, I have heard CO's say 65% are on meds for depression/anxiety. I don't know where WTC got that number but I don't doubt that it is more than half. In my own experience, over half the cong was on meds. In addition to that, alcohol was a popular crutch as well.
It is amazing to me that so many are suffering but no one active seems to be pointing at the internal problems of the org as causation.
Without water, the grass withers. The same is true in JWland. There is no spiritual or personal water that refreshes so the enslaved suffer emotionally and mentally. I recall that Soviet oppression was blamed for the high degree of alcoholism, yet few blame WTC for the pressure they exert on their followers.
At Bethel, alcohol was a SERIOUS problem. We knew it and so did the GB - they mentioned it at least once a week in morning worship. Ironically they were heavy drinkers also.
I see great value in medications that help those who are pre-disposed to depression or other mental/emotional problems. On the other hand, if the problem is due to pressure from the religion you are in.... LEAVE!!!!