Vidiot - Barbara is right, but there were relief efforts in the distant past that included limited Watchtower funds. Now there are NONE - NADA - ZILCH. Their tight-fisted approach and obsession with getting all the money of the congs into their accounts is certainly unprecedented. The great money grab over the last 10 years puzzles even members of mainstream Christendom.
I hear some say they are expecting more KHs to be built..... With what? WTC has all the money that congs saved hoping for a nicer KH. Also any land they bought has been liquidated and the proceeds sent to WTC.
Now WTC pilots a plan to pay the bills for the cong in non-US countries. I don't think the average publisher understands that this puts WTC in the drivers seat for turning off utilities if the cong falls below expected contribution levels. Personally, I think they will discard the plan as it will result in a decrease in donations as publishers assume thsat WTC is paying - not taking control - and stop contributing. It is a human tendency - just ask the ones who lived under Soviet oppression.
I can point to more than 10 ways that WTC has spiraled since Russell, and most have occurred in recent years.