Vidiot - spot on.
The cases of CSA in JWdom do indeed go back many many decades. The bean counters didn't really start organizing the data until the computer age came along. The filing method and the structure of the desk assignments (by state) of Service Dept. made it difficult to really see the expanse of the problem. As well, there really was an attitude that CSA was a moral shortcoming, not a crime to be addressed seriously. Some desk men hardly thought it was worth addressing.
The effort to organize that particular occurrence of sin did not really get traction until 2014 onward. They had the cases digitally, but it was impossible to search effectively and to get statistics without meta data. They started that in earnest around 2015. I am aware that the effort to do that took it's toll on decent men who not only found that their religion had a huge CSA problem, but that they were also covering it up from authorities. AND, settling lawsuits out of court with such frequency that the trajectory of their bank accounts was shrinking faster than the contributions were coming in.
Meanwhile, the word in litigation circles was spreading fast. WTC was a pocket that could easily be gotten into if one had a case they didn't want to go public. The few that went to court went because the plaintifs wanted too much to settle or just wanted to give WTC a black eye. I don't blame them.
Selling the KH's to stay in the black was absolutely related to the exponential growth of CSA settlements. Now that some states have extended the statute of limitations for litigation, they are getting more organized to sell for the greatest effect instead of panic. All KHs have been appraised by LDC and they are positioned to sell when the situation merits. Criteria for selling/keeping KHs was implemented and seems to be the rule of the road. The Menlo Parks of the 90's are no more. WTC took ownership and any challenges are quashed immediately. They are much more methodical now to get what they need without decimating a region of sheeple by selling too many or the wrong ones.
I am still amazed that they are falling on the sword instead of outing the abusers. It makes one wonder just who they are protecting? I am aware of cases from the 50's that were brushed aside as if the victims were inconsequential. Some good men followed the direction of the Service Dept with no questions, no objections.
I think the gig is up now, and WTC knows the end could be near. Hello Pennsylvania!