Ewart Chitty
Leo Greenlees
Raymond Franz
note: photos can be found on the blue envelope channelhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nakezkhqbmtony and susan morris are living in lumberton, north carolina.
a real estate document on the robeson county website is filed:.
the religious order of jehovah's witnesses has provided a "life estate" for them.they can live in this townhouse until they are deceased or choose to move away and in either case the ownership becomes entirely the property of jehovah's witnesses.
Ewart Chitty
Leo Greenlees
Raymond Franz
i was wondering about the jw attitude towards getting tattoos.. redditors suggest that the only jws who have them would have got them before they were baptised.. jw.org gives a meally-mouthed "true christians wouldn't" response.. but no-one (that i've seen so far) answers the question i'm actually asking: is getting a tattoo after being baptised a disfellowshipping offence?.
if not disfellowshipable, how would a typical jw congregation treat someone who got a tattoo after baptism?
would they really treat it like it is a conscience issue?.
I know of a sister who was dealt with judicially over a tattoo only a few years ago. It is as serious as the local BOE decides that they want it to be.
note: photos can be found on the blue envelope channelhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nakezkhqbmtony and susan morris are living in lumberton, north carolina.
a real estate document on the robeson county website is filed:.
the religious order of jehovah's witnesses has provided a "life estate" for them.they can live in this townhouse until they are deceased or choose to move away and in either case the ownership becomes entirely the property of jehovah's witnesses.
What's behind Door #2?
My guess is Mrs Morris, speaking out anonymously for victims of domestic violence. Just a guess...
This story continues to get clearer than at the first. I recall some saying he was "relieved" of the burden of his office due to health reasons. Now it is clear that was not the case as they feverishly purge the scent of his cologne from everything he came in contact with while at the Warwick Ritz.
WTC security nearby? No - it would have been less expensive to put him in a gated community.
Will he do interviews or book signings? Not likely. WTC NDA's are tight - very tight. Otherwise, the many victims who settled out of court would have dropped a dime on WTC. They have not because they know they would face a breach of contract suit - which they would lose.
In my humble opinion, I see Tony as a near-broken man who never thought of himself as anything but an insider - until now. His poor wife - well let's just say that she lost the most, similar to Job's wife.
A dangling thread is the whereabouts of the local cong. I suspect that he will not reappear in public at a meeting but I could be wrong. Humility is as they say, "Learned".
It is tempting to send him a weekly bottle of Macallums to hasten his demise, but that is beneath a decent person - and I believe everyone on this forum is decent. I cannot bring myself to humiliate him further. As gutter trash, (did I just contradict myself?) he will receive little encouragement from anyone, be held in derision by everyone, be assisted by no one, and be abjectly hated by more than one.
I still think his name will surface in an upcoming PA CSA hearing, but that's the 'connect the dots' side of me - no evidence yet other than a lot of timely coincidences.
'the spokesperson also said that church elders are told to report any allegations of child sexual abuse to the authorities immediately, even if there is only one complainant.'.
is this true?
Truthlover - "They are currently at the forefront of CSA"
You are right - THEY ARE NUMBER ONE!!
If only that was a good thing...
they are not just going to be "joint kings and priests," oh no, because the latest washtowel is sneakily implying that they will be "joint kings and high priests.
october 2023 study watchtower p. 28, par.
13 - "after jesus was resurrected, he entered the most holy of the spiritual temple, where all the anointed eventually join him.".
My impression is that they ALREADY feel that they are equal to Jesus. Why wait until they get to heaven (they are not going to heaven) when they can control his assets now?
One news story related that Apana was DF'd for only one year. In order to get reinstated, he had to apologize to his victim. Really - one year for molesting 4 girls over a long period of time!!!!!
I am all for apologizing, but with this type of crime, having the perp meet with the victim actually re-victimizes the victim. It is not recommended by experts in the field of CSA recovery.
I hope she can collect something/anything from him, but I am skeptical. Shielding assets is acommon in civil settlements and pursuit of assets often yields very little. I wonder if she could sell her settlement to a collections agency. They would dog him until prayed to die.
As for the amount she got from WTC, one can only speculate. They had to know that their goose was cooked when it came out that he apologized (clear evidence of admission) and that his elders pressured the victim to avoid reporting to police.
SHAME ON YOU WTC! You are still the same.
the jehovah's witness 2023 convention theme is, ''exercise patience''...by looking at the attendance at this tucson, arizona convention, it should be changed to, '' jehovah's witnesses...running out of patience''.
Long Hair Gal - I think you figured it out! 100 stars to you!!!!
I remember when WTC started using Assembly Halls for Regional Conventions. I thought then that there was a story to be told, so I spoke with some convention planners about the strategy. Here is what I learned:
WTC wanted to utilize the Assembly Halls to the maximum extent possible and avoid paying higher fees for Rental facilities, which more and more they were having to do. Quite a while back, they had to stop charging extra for parking and that took a chunk out of the profit (scandal was documented). Some venues which gave them a price break for showing up on Thursday and cleaning the facility, cut back or stopped allowing it altogether as other rental groups filled the open slots. They just didn't need the JWs anymore, so bargaining became more difficult.
Some city Chambers of Commerce raised the issue that JW conventions were not bringing profitable tourism. Fewer JWs were eating out, were poor tippers when they did, never shopped after convention hours at local retailers, and drove a hard bargain for hotel fees by wanting more and more free comp rooms (that's a whole other story of greed and misuse that has been related on this forum before).
As they started using the Assembly Halls, the WOW! factor of a Regional Convention disappeared almost immediately. Fewer JWs were willing to drive long distance, stay overnight at high cost, drive home late Sunday. This continues today and WTC does not know what to do. Soooooooooo..... VIDEOS!
This Summer has about 70 videos. Some seem to feel that it is a long weekend of binge-watching indoctrination videos. "We could do that at home" seems to be the conclusion many are reaching. And they could.
In the audience, many are playing video games on their phones and devices to pass the time. There are few if any spiritual discussions naming specific spiritual gems that were shared. It is drudgery, other than show-casing selfies of the outfits that some sisters want to display.
Attendance is so low at some Assembly Hall conventions, it makes me wonder if they are even paying for the electrity and maintenance of the building.
Yes - WTC is in a Pickle. Maybe you can name some ways they can avoid becoming relish.
what happens when a jehovah’s witness who has been disfellowshipped returns to attending the meetings again?.
mark jones writes:.
if it's the same congregation that they previously attended then, yes, the congregation will remember who they are and so continue to treat them as dead or invisible.. one of the identifying marks a cult is that it uses shame and humiliation to control members, to keep them from leaving and manipulating those who escaped into coming back.. a disfellowshipped person is never allowed to quietly leave with dignity.
Vidqun - yes, a year is the magic number unless you did something that REALLY calls for more time of being humiliated, degraded, shunned, treated like dirt etc.... I think you get the point. The short answer is that the timing is on a need to know basis - AND YOU DON'T NEED TO KNOW! :)
I have seen some brothers and even some sisters who were subjected to extra years of being OUT because the BOE hated them. They didn't want them to leave either because they enjoyed beating them, so they told them that moving would only prolong their time out. There is a word for that but I cannot think of what it is..........unless it is:
my grandfather who has been dead for 37 years would not recognise the borganisation today.
he would turn in his grave if he knew the end didn’t come by 2023.. back in the 1970s he really believed in the 75 thing.
he was so disappointed and almost blamed everyone else why the end didn’t come.
where did the entire 1914/607/adventist root thing start?
Basically grew into a packaged teaching that solidified in the 1920's during the Rutherford area. That alone makes it suspect for being totally wrong.
my grandfather who has been dead for 37 years would not recognise the borganisation today.
he would turn in his grave if he knew the end didn’t come by 2023.. back in the 1970s he really believed in the 75 thing.
he was so disappointed and almost blamed everyone else why the end didn’t come.
Journeyman - how about "Constant Redactions" ? Does that fit into your list?