The GB just adds some grease to the steering wheel of the organization whenever they are ready to make a hairpin turn. However, these turns do not represent any significant deviation from their large body of false teachings. AND - they can add new wacky restrictions to compensate for newly granted freedoms.
Ex. At assemblies, monitors were in the restrooms purportedly to identify empty stalls, and to control the misuse of paper towels. In reality, they were concerned about illicit activity that might be occurring in the stalls. I used to wonder if they were going to start weighing the publishers before and after they used the restrooms…
WTC cannot help but stumble across its own ridiculous rules. They insisted on measuring field service activity as if God himself were waiting in the monthly report. When the numbers be ame too discouraging to publish, POOF!! They ended it overnight. I guess that God didn’t care so much after all about the monthly report.