If 1914 gets tossed

by Leathercrop 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Leathercrop

    It feels like the change in reporting of hours becomes a fundamentally bigger deal every day. The weight and importance placed on quantity was enormous, and now it's just gone. Even tho most witnesses really didn't keep "accurate" records so to speak hehehe...

    This could very well be a precursor to even bigger doctrinal changes, like 1914. Damn, would would happen then?

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    1914 tossed?

    As we see fallacy of the 607BCE coming to fruition that it is a lie,,,1914 wil probably not be tossed,,,but somehow forgotten about.

    It will fall by the wayside.

    I just cant see it being dropped in one fell swoop. It will cause too much of a stir.

    It will die slowly.

  • Ding

    I agree with Beth Sarim.

    I think they will mention 1914 less and less or at least they'll stop tying it to predictions of the future.

  • TonusOH

    If they were going to drop or modify the 1914 teaching, they would need to ignore it and not mention it at all for a number of years, so that the rank and file forget about it. Then they can offer up new light and say that Jehovah has given them a new understanding through the holy spirit. They will word it the way they usually do- 'isn't it great that Jehovah has blessed us with this new understanding? How wonderful he truly is!'

    No one will want to point out that this means that Jehovah was misleading them for more than a century. That kind of talk can get you in a room with three elders before you can say "apostate"! They will be forced to agree that it's amazing that they now have learned these new truths and look forward to facing the end of the present system of things, which is no doubt going to happen any second now.

  • Phizzy

    If they drop 1914, then there was no 1918/19 choosing of an FDS by Jesus, which means the G.B of today have no authority.

    No 1914 = no "Choosing" = Today's G.B. are self-appointed Charlatans.

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    Tonus outlined it nicely. It's how pretty much every organization handles its back peddling and change of doctrine. The JW's are late to the game, the RC church has been doing it for centuries. Take Joan of Arc for example. Oh, she's possessed, she wears men's clothing, she fights. Burn her at the stake. Wait, er, perhaps not, actually she was a little bit of alright. Scratch all that, she's now a saint of the church. The RC church has its own version of "new light" as do most other denominations that have been proven wrong on evolution or young earth theory or fill in the blank.

    You go away from it for a while, then come back to it with a mea culpa and all humility and of course God wasn't the problem, it was us sinful, foul, bone headed creations that once again got it wrong. Too bad, so sad, now let's carry on and hope we don't fall into such error again.

    1914, it's just a number to be explained away.

  • ThomasMore

    WTC is an end-times religion. Everything they do, teach, believe, must somehow dovetail into the end-times eschatology that characterizes them. If 1914 went away, they would have to replace it with something else. Timing the end is 2nd nature to JWs, even though they have a 100% record - OF GETTING IT WRONG.

    However, they really painted themselves into a corner on 1914. It would not be sufficient to simply stop mentioning it because there are so many people reminding them - it is a millstone around their neck.

    Suffice it to say that they have a hot mess to handle along with all their other problems like CSA, loss of religious status in other countries, investigations into to shunning, selling KHs without proper legal proceedings, and on and on and on and on…

    As for 1914, it just won’t go away. It reminds me of the meatloaf at Bethel (“repeatloaf”). It makes for endless obnoxious belches that can’t be hidden.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    I dont know if any of you watch Jehovah 4life(formerly known as jane doe youtube channel)

    She illustrates the point the more you mention something key words they stick in your head.

    Whats all the borg rails into its members heads?

    Governing body, faithful slave, loyalty and Armageddon,,etc...

    The less you say it has a reverse trend,,,it slips away.

    The borg just cant toss 1914,,,,ramifications are massive.

    Theyll just say it less and less...and less..

    And keeping the the governing body praise,, faithful slave,,loyalty bit..

  • ElderBerry

    They have said in recent writings that Micheal who they think is Jesus fought with Satan and the demons and threw them out of heaven about 1914.

    This was a huge change now they are using the word about before they say 1914.

    How on earth does that fit in with 607 and the 77weeks thing? And the 1919 when Jehovah chose the one true religion?

    Could they possibly change to about 607 and about 1919?

    We always used to say that WW1 started because Satan and the demons were thrown to earth. Now they are using the word about you can’t say that anymore.

    other things they can change but not this, if they were wrong about 1914 they everything else with fall apart.

  • Phizzy

    " Other things they can change but not this, if they were wrong about 1914 they everything else with fall apart."

    Exactly, the Doctrine is the very Foundation of the religion, take that away, and their "building" really is "built upon sand".

    They will continue shackled to the 1914 utter nonsense, but will rarely mention the actual year, and will just present what they have always said as surrounding that year as a "given".

    They are on dodgy ground indeed, more young people these days are less likely to accept at face value a "given".

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