I always marveled that anyone thought that man was made to live forever. Nothing else in the material world lives forever. The angels only live as long as they are faithful (according to JWs). So what is their lifespan without being "charged up" while continuing to be faithful? JW's teach that only God, Jesus and the 144K have immortality. They rest can only hope to have everlasting life. For a lot of people, that seems to be enough, but there is a lot to say about getting everlasting life.
I am not in the camp that says life would be boring. There seems to be an unlimited number of endeavors that one could explore. But I will need a good car - let me just add that.
Eve told the serpent that she and Adam could eat from "all" the trees except from one, the tree of knowledge. When they were expelled from the garden, the cherubs blocked entrance to prevent them from eating from the tree of life. I don't believe the tree had any special powers, but as long as they ate from it (which must have been whenever they wanted), they got "recharged" and continued to live. It was only an assurance that God would give them continued vitality. Letting them resume eating from that tree would have signaled that God had forgiven them - something that he did not seem inclined to do.
My conclusion is that man can only live when being "recharged", or revitalized. Otherwise, our telemeres get shorter with each cell replication and we age, then eventually die. Humans were DESIGNED to age and die, just like all other creations.
Is God prepared to do this forever on our behalf? That is the the real question for me. If you have the answer - let's hear it.