Dropoff…. - Rutherford was the textbook contrarian. Your comment explains a lot. Thanks!!
JoinedPosts by ThomasMore
The UN, was the WTS given special knowledge?
by peacefulpete inthe league of nations and the united nations in prophetic speculation
how is it that so many individuals through the centuries have found such a pleasure in playing the role of prophet, despite the fact that their prophecies so seldom come true?
regularly their predictions fail, yet they go on with prophesying.
More victory for Ex-JWs in B.C. Canada
by yalbmert99 inhttps://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/bc-jehovahs-witness-privacy-battle-1.7079252.
JWs are obsessed with documenting the sins if others. JC’s go into much detail about sexual sins in particular. These details are used as theocratic blackmail, a constant reminder that the sinner sinned and is only forgiven when the ink disappears from the JC notes.
Has The Interpretation of the Beast Changed?
by NotFormer inmy understanding* is that the un is supposed to be the wild beast of revelation.
the un only came into being after wwii, so what was the beast before the new light came about?
i can't see a speculative organisation like the wt not having an interpretation of the beast before the un came into being.
WTC has a CO school they host on the east coast of FL. Currently they are covering changes in understanding (interpretation) of Revelation. I suspect that they feel the need to lighten up on the UN as the Image of the Wild Beast since they are again involved. Predictably, the Revelation book is out of print and a large part of what was previously studied is verboten now. I recall studying that publication 3 times.
Geoffrey Jackson goatiegate Part 2
by Tahoe infrom ske graduation this past weekend.
(sent from a pimi).
from ske on zoom: .
Perhaps a Mets cap and Elton John Captain Fantastic glasses would be mo’ better.
Does anyone actually believe the GB are progressives now? They are throwing things against the wall to see if anything will stem the steep decline. JW R&F are easily distracted (Norway, CSA, KH selloffs etc.).
Is there “new light” on 1914?
by wallsofjericho ini’m hearing paraphrasing like “we just don’t know” .
is this regarding 1914?
or micheal the arch angel?.
At their current rate of decline, I really think there will be little left if them in 2034. Maybe I will be wrong but I don’t think so. My source indicated that things were dire - that was a few years ago.
2023 Yearly Report UNDER the Microscope
by raymond frantz inhttps://youtu.be/pi7sn2rnrke?si=lnvklqct6nuayv2q.
branches of jehovah’s witnesses: 85 (= down one from 86 from the previous year and quite possibly they are referring to the hong kong bethel that closed down recently).
number of lands reporting: 239 ( =the same as 2022).
Anonymous - Excellent points.- especially in par. 1.
I am also aware that the Congo has been used as an exchange country for funds being extracted from other countries. That would explain the cong increase as they funneled money through newly created congregations, then back to Warwick.
I am aware that some countries still have more than one-language congs. The US has many Spanish congs still, but they have discontinued almost all the other languages. The reasons were as you stated:
"they are often nearly independent from branches, lack ‘spiritual food’ (even getting English literature was spotty because the branch doesn’t like shipping small orders) leading to independent Bible study and thinking."
2023 Yearly Report UNDER the Microscope
by raymond frantz inhttps://youtu.be/pi7sn2rnrke?si=lnvklqct6nuayv2q.
branches of jehovah’s witnesses: 85 (= down one from 86 from the previous year and quite possibly they are referring to the hong kong bethel that closed down recently).
number of lands reporting: 239 ( =the same as 2022).
Anonymous - I realize that.
In most cases, KHs were sold because attendance was too low to support all that a cong was expected to do. The pubs were consolidated into another cong at another location. So, congs decreased.
The number of congs formed in some lands does not sound like a normal congregation of 25-150, but instead sounds contrived. Perhaps they are counting micro groups as congs now. In the U.S., you will recall that foreign language groups were dissolved and pubs were asked to go back to their native language of English or Spanish. I thought this was also done in foreign lands - am I wrong?
Is there “new light” on 1914?
by wallsofjericho ini’m hearing paraphrasing like “we just don’t know” .
is this regarding 1914?
or micheal the arch angel?.
I have no idea if what was said at 2 Spanish Conventions was testing the waters for a change in doctrine or just a major screw up, but the word salad of that teaching is filled with every vegetable known to man. It is such a gobbledygoop mess that it can become anything they want it to be - a virtual chameleon.
If something was amiss, it does not surprise me that a Warwick elder was used. If the results were bad, he could be retained whereas a local nobody elder would lose privileges for “misrepresenting the outline” and likely be DF’d for apostasy.
If you can believe the OP from Reddit, it went over like fart in church.
The obvious question comes to mind: How could WTC be so corrupted and still have the trust of so many?
Are You Ready for the Most Important Day of the Year?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inluke 22:14 so when the hour came, he reclined at the table along with the apostles.
and he said to them: “i have greatly desired to eat this passover with you before i suffer; 16 for i tell you, i will not eat it again until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of god.” 17 and accepting a cup, he gave thanks and said: “take this and pass it from one to the other among yourselves, 18 for i tell you, from now on, i will not drink again from the product of the vine until the kingdom of god comes.”.
19 also, he took a loaf, gave thanks, broke it, and gave it to them, saying: “this means my body, which is to be given in your behalf.
JWs have always linked the memorial to profession of being anointed but that is a narrative the Bible does not support. Those present were not anointed until Pentecost, yet they ate the unleavened bread and drank the wine because they understood that it signified their close association/reliance/forgiveness to Jesus.
Later in the case of Cornelius and his household, it was possible to be anointed before partaking of the bread and wine at “Passover”, as one was not related to the other.
JWs have never understood this simple truth because they have been following the narrative of Joseph Rutherford. Even if they don’t think they are - they are.
2023 Yearly Report UNDER the Microscope
by raymond frantz inhttps://youtu.be/pi7sn2rnrke?si=lnvklqct6nuayv2q.
branches of jehovah’s witnesses: 85 (= down one from 86 from the previous year and quite possibly they are referring to the hong kong bethel that closed down recently).
number of lands reporting: 239 ( =the same as 2022).
The countries that show an increase are highly suspect. What in fact consitutes a congregation by their definition?
i.e. - 348 in in the Congo and 198 in Brazil !!
I suspect that when they sell a cong, the pubs lived so far away that small groups began to be counted as congregations.
On the other hand, -98 in the USA? That is less than 2 per state. I think it is a stretch to say that. I know for a certainty that some cities closed multiples of that number.
All of this is virtually impossible to verify of course, as WTC knows. They provide no details, because none exist.