That was prophetic language, not historical recollection.
(revelation 17:5) “babylon the great, the mother of the prostitutes (plural!
) and of the disgusting things of the earth.”.
btg is spotlighted as being the principal "disgusting thing" which affects christians & christianity, with other lesser "prostitutes" in the background... (revelation 18:4) “get out of her, my people, (christians) if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues.".
That was prophetic language, not historical recollection.
(revelation 17:5) “babylon the great, the mother of the prostitutes (plural!
) and of the disgusting things of the earth.”.
btg is spotlighted as being the principal "disgusting thing" which affects christians & christianity, with other lesser "prostitutes" in the background... (revelation 18:4) “get out of her, my people, (christians) if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues.".
Conspicuously the writer NEVER alludes to the destruction of Jerusalem, probably because it had not happened. Since Jesus personally told John about the coming destruction, he would CERTAINLY have brought it up as confirmation of the prophecy. AND, he was the only one supposedly writing AFTER 70 CE.
What this leads us to is that the writer(s) of Rev wrote it before 70 CE.
As to BTG’s identity, my computer is running out of ink. Later…
personally i think they gonna realise god's not backing org.
that idea gonna get even more established in their minds.
i think the real selling of kingdom hall gonna start then.
Speaking of legal maneuvers, look closely at why the Congo reported 383 new congregations in the 2023 report. Understanding the relationship with the CMCs leads to understanding what WTC is doing NOW to stay afloat financially.
we are talking about what Norway COULD trigger, but WTC is already doing something about it.
Anyone want to offer the answer?
things got a bit lively after the agm leaks in october.
there was a lot of discussion going on on this board for a few months.
now that all the leaks have been more or less confirmed as policy, and we've had lively discussions at length concerning the changes, things seem to have slowed down here.. a few suggestions have been raised as to what might be the next changes, such as women being allowed to wear slacks (in the usa, anyway), decoupling from 1914 as an anchoring date and others.. so, what changes do you think will be announced this year?.
Leisure suits - pure polyester
Welcome Obrien! Here is a 💕 love bomb for you!
Seriously, more changes on the way as WTC wraps the organization in shiny tin foil to stem the effects of the evil internet. Last week was a stern reminder not to listen to “apostates” online. Look away!!! Nothing to see there!
Then there are things that will NOT change like proper reporting on child sex abuse - even in Australia where they were grilled by the Royal Commission a few years ago. They still tell elders not to report confirmed cases.
And the thing we all wish they would change like admitting they don’t do charitable work despite having tax exempt charitable status in the countries they deal real estate.
My personal vote is for them to OK tattoos so that Geoffrey Jackson can sport one on the broadcast. My suggestion is a big one on the forehead that says ‘667’. Underneath a line that says “We are not the antichrist”.
There are a few changes they might consider like ending shunning, but half if them won’t speak to the other half so it’s hard to make progress toward that one.
Maybe trying to have a better record on extra-marital sex affairs. They could set the bar lower to have fewer than the world as a start.
But my favorite is to stop being so timid about asking for money. I only heard it mentioned 4 times at the last meeting.
i welcome your ideas!
this is worth a look!.
I agree Vidiot.
A test case against WTC is needed for the government to use as a precedent removal of tax exemption. The climate in the US may be better now than in years past as debt is out of control and new taxation is being proposed to give politicians the means to continue over-spending.
i believe that WTC knows that they are in the sights of the powers that be (along with some other bad players). In Norway, they are not going down without a fight. Expect the same here.
my understanding* is that the un is supposed to be the wild beast of revelation.
the un only came into being after wwii, so what was the beast before the new light came about?
i can't see a speculative organisation like the wt not having an interpretation of the beast before the un came into being.
Blondie, I actually agree with the interpretation by WTC on the League and the UN.
What I find hypocritical is their membership in the UN as an NGO as well as their membership in the European counterpart.
WTC also defines the “Man of Lawlessness” as the clergy of Christendom. Once again I happen to think they are correct. However, why would they join Jimmy Swaggert in court when he was being prosecuted as “friends of Jimmy Swaggart”.
Another example is cozying up to Hitler by Rutherford, being rebuffed, then using the rank ‘n file to blast Hitler, triggering an enormous wave of persecution by the Nazis that resulted in lives lost, all property confiscated, and imprisonment.
JWs repeatedly take the wrong side of an issue resulting in the need to coverup and redact their history.
some time back i questioned about jw making money from doing relief work for disasters.
i found this story on reddit and also noted some of the replies.
it makes me wonder how many would have left their own jobs and paid their way, giving free labor and some supplying free materials if they had know what was going on behind the scenes.
Magnum, I recall a well known charity taking donated funds after 9/11 and purchasing a new computer system. The media excoriated them even though no laws had been broken. They needed a new system and felt justified, but as a result, donations dropped considerably in the following years.
Contributors felt that the funds should have benefitted persons directly affected by the terror attacks.
WTC started asking contributors not to stipulate how funds were to be spent. They knew that money would be directed to CSA settlements, legal defense fees and other costs that the rank n’ file would be disturbed over.
In many disasters, WTC collected materials that were sold off, and then took all the proceeds unceremoniously. In some instances, nothing was used to address the disaster - nothing.
It may be legal but nothing about what WTC dies is ethical.
i recently had a conversation with an old acquaintance from the congregation i used to attend.
we talked about the recent changes in the 2023 annual meeting.
i especially pointed out the one about getting rid of hourly reporting on monthly time slips.
LHG - It takes a lot to stand up against the pressure that some (in virtually every congregation) apply to females who decide to get the training they need to care for themselves financially. You are an inspiration!!
Recently i have heard of sisters getting professional degrees - and taking a lot of guff for it still. But, like you, they realized that no one was going to give them a handout. This trend seems to be more prevalent among sisters than brothers.
Social Security benefits will likely be reduced by 2034 and many will find their sole source of income to be less than formerly when it still was insufficient. It makes me very sad to see JWs who will be affected even more severely in the future than they already are.
i assume someone from wt attends the reading of the will.
an elder, a co, some especially selected person from the branch under whose purview this sort of thing is maintained?.
what is the procedure?.
I recall some local elders being asked to attend when a reading of a will was stipulated. A few large estates left WTC sizeable amounts, but no one from the Branch was invited. The deceased only knew local elders who maintained a relationship with them through their final years.
I recall one state left to the congregation. Soon, the Branch took that in the great money grab a few years ago.
I have specifically stipulated that none of my estate should go to WTC or any JWs who might pass money onto WTC. They would have to sign a statement vowing not to leave WTC anything also so that no comingled money could end up in WTC;s account.
my understanding* is that the un is supposed to be the wild beast of revelation.
the un only came into being after wwii, so what was the beast before the new light came about?
i can't see a speculative organisation like the wt not having an interpretation of the beast before the un came into being.
NotFormer - I recall the speculation by evangelicals about the EU. I wondered how they would spin the death blow and resurrection of the EU. None was offered.
JWs once felt strongly about the UN but now that the evidence is mainstream that WTC was an NGO, they pooh pooh the membership and now "it's not so bad after all".
The fact is that no matter what WTC does, the R&F loyalists apologize for them. WTC does not apologize because they have minions for that.