Slim - yes - I recall some asking what they needed money for when everything was going online. They were reducing costs and asking for more. I think this woke some up, but it convinced many that they could stop contibuting.
Later I learned how many CSA suits they were settling out of court. The puzzle was solved.
About the same time, I learned that Warwick ran WAAAAAAAAAAAAY over budget and they opted to not finish one of the last constructed buildings. I knew they had money troubles, then an unimpeachable source confided that they were spending a lot more than they could control. Not long after, another source I trust with my life confirmed that they were deep in the hole. Selling KH's was just the tip of the iceberg. After a KH was sold, most in the cong stopped contributing - a natural response.
I am sure that a lot of true believers at the Bible House also knew this but as a whole, they were still keeping the secret. That amazed me how indoctrinated they had become since I left - more than ever.
When close friends started getting sent out like bad chicken, I was convinced that they were one big lawsuit away from a cash gap.
Especially Treasury B'lites - they were not the brightest Bethel had to offer, but by god they were loyal.