I also expect to hear one GB eventually but so far it has been dragging. Other states need to get on board and start prosecuting JWs for CSA. If they think it could anger people, they should know that most people will cheer them on.
JoinedPosts by ThomasMore
Westmoreland County man charged in latest Jehovah's Witness sex abuse case
by Tahoe inlink to article .
a westmoreland man was recently charged with sexually assaulting and molesting a young girl by a statewide grand jury that has been investigating sex abuse among elders in jehovah’s witness congregations across pennsylvania for years.. ronald w. mangone, 69, who was a member of the jehovah’s witness congregation in new kensington, allegedly abused the girl beginning at the age of 6 from 1991 to 1994, according to a police complaint filed april 2.. a second girl also was allegedly sexually abused by the suspect in the late 1980s, but law enforcement agents say they were unable to charge him because the statute of limitations had expired.. mr. mangone now faces three felony charges and five misdemeanor charges for sexually assaulting and endangering a minor.
he is the latest suspect in a wide-ranging investigation that has so far led to the arrests of at least 14 others from jehovah’s witness congregations on similar charges since 2022.. “what's going on in pennsylvania has much much broader implications,” said mark o’donnell, a longtime advocate for sexual assault victims in the congregations and a witness who has appeared before the grand jury.. the sweeping investigation in pennsylvania, launched by the attorney general’s office in 2019, is the first to target jehovah’s witness groups in what has been described by some law enforcement agents as a longstanding problem within the religious organization... “it’s groundbreaking,” mr. o’donnell said.
Teacher called me to the front of the class and called me a communist. It was a little traumatic but I didn’t let it get under my skin. Compartmentalization was my coping mechanism for dealing with all the name calling and hatred by school officials.
now all those folks are dead from old age and I am still alive, enjoying life. I never treat children the way adults treated me.
Prediction: no more changes for a long while
by slimboyfat ini’ve noticed a pattern where things don’t go the way i expect them to go and/or whenever i realise there is a trend and, i mentally adjust for the idea that the trend will continue, the trend stops in its tracks.
so on that basis, and given many people, including myself, and active jws, have been asking ‘what changes will the governing body make next?’ perhaps the (disappointing) answer is: ‘nothing much for a while to come’.
maybe they’ve made the changes they want for now, and will wait a while and see how it’s received.
Slim - yes - I recall some asking what they needed money for when everything was going online. They were reducing costs and asking for more. I think this woke some up, but it convinced many that they could stop contibuting.
Later I learned how many CSA suits they were settling out of court. The puzzle was solved.
About the same time, I learned that Warwick ran WAAAAAAAAAAAAY over budget and they opted to not finish one of the last constructed buildings. I knew they had money troubles, then an unimpeachable source confided that they were spending a lot more than they could control. Not long after, another source I trust with my life confirmed that they were deep in the hole. Selling KH's was just the tip of the iceberg. After a KH was sold, most in the cong stopped contributing - a natural response.
I am sure that a lot of true believers at the Bible House also knew this but as a whole, they were still keeping the secret. That amazed me how indoctrinated they had become since I left - more than ever.
When close friends started getting sent out like bad chicken, I was convinced that they were one big lawsuit away from a cash gap.
Especially Treasury B'lites - they were not the brightest Bethel had to offer, but by god they were loyal.
For all JW's: Stop calling others "apostates."
by BoogerMan inif you don't want to be thrown into gehenna, read what your own faithful evil slave & christ say:.
cj chap.
3 p. 110 chapter 3 - "jesus christ said: “whoever says, ‘you despicable fool!’ (apostate) will be liable to the fiery gehenna.” (matt.
Now, if they start calling me a supporter, I will be worried. I might even get an attorney.
by surprised2bhere incan anyone tell me what the livestream/recorded talk is that is happening in uk this weekend?
went to memorial to please family.
now been invited to this!
In the US, occasionally a "special" meeting for elders in a region would be called. Attendance was mandatory!!!!
After attending many of these, I realized that WTC was very insecure and needed reassurance that elders would still JUMP like frogs when commanded.
I began to notice that many elders didn't show. Ahhhhhh..... they figured out that there was no emergency. It a part (a minor part albeit) of my waking up.
Prediction: no more changes for a long while
by slimboyfat ini’ve noticed a pattern where things don’t go the way i expect them to go and/or whenever i realise there is a trend and, i mentally adjust for the idea that the trend will continue, the trend stops in its tracks.
so on that basis, and given many people, including myself, and active jws, have been asking ‘what changes will the governing body make next?’ perhaps the (disappointing) answer is: ‘nothing much for a while to come’.
maybe they’ve made the changes they want for now, and will wait a while and see how it’s received.
Nowwhat - you nailed it.
Since then, cong pooled giving has decreased too so WTC is almost panicked trying to cover expenses. NOTHING goes back to the congs - NOTHING.
if you doubt this, ask someone to give you an example of WTC sending a cong a check. Let me know what you find…
When JW.org drops 607BCE...
by Nathan Natas inprobably everyone else thought of this long ago, but i, being an "independent thunker" thunk of it just a coupla weeks ago.. we all know that since the year zero (on the fredfranzian calendar) the wtb&ts has defied archaeology and insisted that jerusalem was destroyed in 607 bce, even though the physical evidence shows that 587 bce is a more likely date.
in fact, the book "the gentile times reconsidered: have jehovah's witnesses been wrong all along about 607 bce?
" by carl olof jonsson and rud persson made this conversation public.. it is a difference of 20 years.
Leave it to WTC to bury the absurd within “Many” words so that most rank n’ file are unable to boil it down to the poisonous sauce that it really is.
Who is Charles Sunutko?
by VM44 inin the spring of 1967 district overseer charles sunutko gave in sheboygan, wisconsin, the talk, "serving with everlasting life in view"
a recording of that talk is available on the internet at several places, easily found by a google search.. but who is (was?
) charles sunutko?.
LHG - you are living testimony to the fact that WTC gives BAD advice to its members. You had the good sense to ignore them but many did not and are paying the price now. I regularly hear updates on JWs who never planned for the real future that they are now contending with. In none of their sad stories is there ANY mention that they followed bad advice.
Enjoy the day LHG!! You ignored the idiots!
Spiritual Paradise?? (ex)JW Elder to stand trial for multiple rapes over a 10-year period.
by Balaamsass2 informer jehovah's witness elder committed to stand trial accused of sunshine coast rapes, sexual abuse.
a former jehovah's witness elder has been committed to stand trial for raping and sexually abusing young men on the sunshine coast over a 10-year period.police arrested 62-year-old mooloolaba man peter mitchelson in august 2022 and charged him with more than 50 sexual offences, including 21 counts of rape that allegedly occurred at various locations on the sunshine coast and in brisbane from 2008 to 2018.. the charges relate to five adult male complainants known to mr mitchelson through the jehovah's witness faith.. a committal hearing at maroochydore today heard mr mitchelson allegedly used his seniority as a former congregation elder to coerce the younger men to perform sexual acts for his gratification.. police said the acts were non-consensual and made the alleged victims feel "used, controlled, and lied to".. mr mitchelson was committed to stand trial in the district court on 53 charges, while charges of incest and torture were dismissed due to a lack of evidence.. 'positive affirmations' allegedly escalated.
the court heard the majority of alleged offending started with mr mitchelson advising alleged victims on how to use '"positive affirmations" to improve their confidence.. police said initial meetings with mr mitchelson involved alleged victims standing in front of a mirror repeating the phrase: "i'm strong.
Who turned this scumbag in to the law? Let me guess - it was not WTC...
Spiritual Paradise? Jehovah's Witness cons JW seniors out of life savings.
by Balaamsass2 in3/28/2024 central california coast.
found guilty of $1.2 million scam targeting seniors.
ex-insurance agent brett e. lovett convicted of fraud, elder abuse, grand theft, and money laundering".
WTC has many cases like dear Bro Levett in their file cabinets. They are heartbroken that defrauded Brothers and Sisters will not acceopt the loss and move on - meanwhile they will pursue anyone who owes them 10 cents with the full force of the law.
The organizaton is morally bankrupt and will do almost anything to bully those who could expose them. So what should a good Christian do who is aware of the many criminals within the ranks of JWs?
Turn them in to the law! That is how Christians look after other Christians.
Sorry WTC - your GIG is up!