I have never faulted sincere students of the Bible who have a sense of urgency for recognizing the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
However, it is common for someone who longs for change to draw false conclusions since their desire for change clouds judgement and reason.
It is also common for charlatans to manipulate others who share the desire for a friendlier world to live in.
Enter WTC - they are master manipulators of people. In my case, my great grandparents lived their lives, holding their breaths expecting the end of the system. Then my grandparents bought into the scheme which benefitted WTC financially. Then my parents dramatically aligned their lives to walk in lock-step with WTC , expecting to be in the scenic pictures published in the pages of the printed material by WTC. My siblings also followed the life-altering teachings and refused to benefit themselves by education that WTC condemned. Now their children are doing likewise and they hope that their children will do likewise as they get older.
My family represents 5 generations of devotion to WTC. They have virtually no communication with anyone in the family who chooses not follow WTC. I believe that this cycle will end as availability of factual exposure grows. Posters on this site and others have provided the illumination that should help sincere persons to see through the WTC ruse. The balanced comments have great value. I thank all the ones who take the time to add their feedback and experiences, and to the administrator who keeps the site going. Your efforts have made a positive difference in my life.