As to how manyJWs there really are now - consider this:
- KHs have been sold on a scale never seen before. according to reports
- Congregations have been dissolved and consolidated to adjust for low attendance
- Some cities have reduced congregations by more than 50%
- The UK has seen the greatest reduction of congregations on record
- Reports from R&F say that meeting in person attendance averageds 35-50%
- Faders in the 16-35 range are off the charts
- Elderly are passing away rapidly and many are confined to home due to health
- Childbirth among JWs seems to be down (this is anecdotal) and even born-ins are leaving in record numbers as teenagers
- New JWs coming in are almost unheard of
- DFing has been expanded so that ANY undesirables can be kicked out
- Shunning is regularly encouraged in the WT and at meetings
I suspect that the real number of members is closer to 4.5 million. WTC will never admit this as they massage the numbers to justify 8.5 million. Admitting the truth would result in further shrinkage.