Hellothere, I think you nailed it.
WTC (the GB) will engage in the most impressive plate-spinning imaginable to convince their worshippers that they are increasing. Like election recounts that seem to go on and on and on, they will not announce until they can find a way to coat the ugly facts with glitter and shine.
So what are the facts? Just look at what they are doing:
- Begging for money contstantly - they are broke
- Asking for donations for Ramapo - why do that if they have lots of money
- Cajoling the R&F to get back to meetings in person - few want to attend
- Telling the R&F to get off Zoom - meanwhile making vaccinations mandatory for schools
- Lowering hours again to secure a title of RP or Aux P - they once said the hour requirements came directly from God
- Getting sanctioned by countries for shunning and DFing - denying it, then saying they do but it is beacuse they just LOVE PEOPLE SO DARN MUCH!
- Selling KHs to cover the CSA lawsuits - recently announcing that thousands of new KHs are needed
This corporation is crumbling and all the evidence is there for everyone to see. If things were going well, that annual report would be blasted out as obnoxiously as possible making Donald Trump look humble in comparison.