Just courius, some questions about the past

by Gorb 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gorb
    Curious. Time goes by so fast. Who remembers 1975, the Ray Franz incident, the generation change in 1995, the blood fractions, alternative service, participation in OCHR, Aid Afrique, the historical research by James Pellechia, Jolene Chu and Johannes Stephan Wrobel? The beginning of jw-media.org? The abolition of the book study. Participation in the UN. So much happened at the time and how relevant is this still today? How do you think about this?

  • enoughisenough

    I remember 1975, because I was telling a person I was working for that the world was going to end in 1975. Ray Franz was barely spoken of among any of us, but if you heard it, it was in a bad light, so you avoided the man. I remember the generation change...not once, but twice: it went from being of understanding age in 1914 from being born in 1914, then to the overlapping generation.

  • tenyearsafter

    I remember all of those people and events. Interesting how your take on them changes with time and information.

  • Rivergang

    Enoughisenough summed it up perfectly.

    Furthermore, it was very sneaky how they introduced the first change about “The Generation”. On the inside cover of Awake always used to be a statement about the “generation which remembered 1914”. At some point in the mid to late 1970s, that wording was altered to the effect of the “generation born during or before 1914”.

  • waton

    was 45 in 75, the family still owns the house we build then, because for us former special pioneers, it was cheaper to build then to rent, on 6 years notice. The generation switch to the "anointed" was the last straw.

    Jesus said the generation would pass away after the Great Tribulation, and it's climax Armageddon,

    wt now teaches their generation will pass away at the onset of the world final troubles.

    remember that, until 2075, the "best before date" for the overlappers.

  • Fisherman

    I remember the music.

  • ScenicViewer
    "...I remember the generation change...it went from being of understanding age in 1914 from being born in 1914..."

    There was a another, smaller change in there too. At one time the 'age of understanding' was said to be "about 15 years old." That was later changed to being 10 years old, which bought Watchtower a few more years.

    In those days Watchtower said you had to be old enough to understand that Bible prophecy about the last days was being fulfilled, at least have a very basic understanding of it, to be of the generation.

    Then the age of understanding was dropped completely and it was being born in 1914 that counted. Of course that failed too.

  • enoughisenough

    amazing how Jesus and Jehovah "directed" all this information that got changed.

  • ScenicViewer
    amazing how Jesus and Jehovah "directed" all this information that got changed.

    That's right. The Watchtower organization has been God's spirit misdirected organization since 1919!

  • vienne

    I'm not old enough to remember these things, though I know of most of them. What is the historical research event? Please explain.

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