Rom W. - Perfect synopsis of their duplicity!!!! I will use this as my own,
Claudine Gay
how many can you think of.... they speak for god.. it would seem presumptuous to say they speak for god,.
they are neither inspired nor infallible.. they are god's only channel for issuing truth here on earth.
they won't be apologising for any errors/falsehoods they have promoted in the past that fail.. congregation members must be quick and apologise for their errors to avoid harsh discipline/disfellowshipping.. when they change a major belief/doctrine you must not complain or criticise them.
Rom W. - Perfect synopsis of their duplicity!!!! I will use this as my own,
Claudine Gay
how many can you think of.... they speak for god.. it would seem presumptuous to say they speak for god,.
they are neither inspired nor infallible.. they are god's only channel for issuing truth here on earth.
they won't be apologising for any errors/falsehoods they have promoted in the past that fail.. congregation members must be quick and apologise for their errors to avoid harsh discipline/disfellowshipping.. when they change a major belief/doctrine you must not complain or criticise them.
I must be getting soft because lately I am feeling sad for JWs (EXCEPT for the GB and their helpers and Legal and Public Relations and Service Dept and Treasury and IT and Teaching and Writing and Kitchen staff).
Why do I not feel sorry for Kitchen staff? If you ate at Bethel every day for years and years, you know why.
But I am feeling sorry for all the rest because they are trapped, 100% dependent on the org to provide for them - materially or spiritually - neither of which is substantive. Imagine how desperate being in a situation like that feels.
I was in their situation and when it really hit me that I was trapped, I LEFT. It was hard, but I am free now - FREE!
This morning I had a toasted bagel with cream cheese and marmalade jelly for breakfast and realized how good life can really be !!!!!!!!!
did they hope that everybody who read the1969 awake as a kid is too senile to remember?.
It is typical of false prophets to steer away from the evidence of their false predictions. In the modern digital age, WTC has lost control of hiding their lies, miscalculations and deceptions.
Even redacting what is available online has been inadequate due to printed publications. THEY ARE CAUGHT IN THEIR OWN TRAP!
You would think that they would learn but they have not. Their apologists admonish others to look the other way but the cat is long since out of the bag and all the furniture in the house is trashed (cat owners know what this means).
i have heard a lot of talk over the last year or so if the gb will eventually ditch 1914 and some have even made the claim that most, if not all of the gb do not believe in 1914. ive given this some thought and in the past i wasnt sure.
this annual meeting puts 100%, without a doubt in my mind that the gb do not believe in 1914. id even go as far to say that they talked about that date and have a game plan in mind.. here is why i feel this way:.
there were a lot of changes with the parables at this annual meeting.
Nathan Knorr said he didn’t believe 1914 was the year that the kingdom was established, but he acquiesced for the sake of unity.
now we are 110 years past 1914 and some are scratching their heads wondering if it was an erred teaching. Really???????
"we're living in the final part of the last days, undoubtedly the final part of the final part of the last days, shortly before the last day of the last days!!!".
how are they going to phrase this in ten years time......
As a small child many decades ago, I had Armageddon nightmares. It was on my mind constantly because they talked about it constantly. Nothing has changed.
It is amazing the duration of crying wolf that WTC has practiced. Now I imagine a recording playing in a loop from Warwick while the GB eats a roast chicken and sips chianti. Does anyone seriously believe that they have ANY CLUE of how to explain the Bible?!
recent news on the jw website:.
town of fishkill, new york, u.s.a., gives approval for new support center of jehovah’s witnesses (
on october 27, 2023, site plan approval was granted for new construction at the bethel facilities in the town of fishkill, new york, u.s.a. this approval from the town planning board means that work on the new fishkill support center of jehovah’s witnesses can begin immediately.
Keep your eyes on the KHs. Everything else is a distraction.
Similar to the Chinese who overbuilt, creating ghost cities, WTC is spending what they have (left), in an effort to create an illusion of prosperity.
In reality, they cannot figure out how to get members back to the meetings, much less reengage their hearts as they were in the past.
as the title says i'm having a total hip replacement on monday.
the pain has grown over the years and now i'm using a cane to walk.
after steroid injections and physical therapy, it was decided that a total hip replacement is appropriate.
Glad you are doing better. The report on your bowels is important but a little too much information… for me anyway.
The Witnesses are pretty good about visiting, especially if they can count time or get out of D2D work. Tell them you need help with the bed pan and they will leave you alone.
Take care my friend! Your experience gives us all hope!
fyi, i posted this prediction on my facebook page last night and it has received 224 likes and there have been 83 comments made.
many of the comments are hilarious.. .
a beard prediction for 2024:.
Brothers don’t leave the Org so that they can grow a beard. They grow a beard so that they can leave the Org.
I saw a brother comment that with the change in beard policy, he was losing excuses for leaving the Organization. This pretty much sums up the situation in Watchtowerland.
I recall being counseled for not shaving for a couple of days. I didn’t respond so they left me alone. I guess they read correctly that I cared nothing about their opinions. Fast forward and I have been out for a while. The beard change made me laugh - do they really think this will keep brothers from leaving? They are not the brightest bulbs in the lamp! Need I add “delusional”?
'use vegetable oil and soft margarine in place of animal fat,'.
'when possible, cook with unsaturated vegetable oils.'.
Let me share this with you. My daily routine of a dozen donuts, a Mountain Dew and a bag of Cheetos is my secret to health. I chase each with some High Fructose (3 TBSPs at room temp) I got at a discount at Dollar Store.
On the weekends I fry 1/2 lb of lard and bread it with crushed Fritos so that I get the proper balance of animal fat. Sometimes I add a cup of quality white sugar to some melted butter and sip it slowly along with a cigar and a Bud Light.
For a pick me up snack in the afternoon when I am sluggish, I nibble on a few (6) Hershey bars and some Little Debbies filled with cream. A couple of Red Bulls help - just don’t overdo it. Let moderation be your guide.
This diet/routine makes me feel really good so I recommend it to everyone who cares about their body. I can’t believe Watchtower has failed to mention the benefits. Now you know! Good health to you!
lett has announced in the latest video update that jehovah has dignified the brothers by now letting them to choose for themselves whether they want to have a beard or not -.
this applies worldwide and to all brothers in any position..
Rattigan - you should write them a letter!
The change is clearly a softening due to so many Brothers leaving, but let me offer this view:
1. Brothers do not fade because they want to grow a beard. They fade because they don’t like being managed by a high control group that over reacts in trivial matters
2. Like the field service reporting change, this is driven by the need to stop removing privileges when a man grows a beard. Many men did this so that privileges would be removed - plain and simple
3. More softening is likely. Hyper zealots use of judicial committees as a tool to inflict pain. I suspect that new guidelines are in the making to reduce judicial triggers and the harsh penalties for every infraction imaginable.
4. Probably no softening for sisters at this time. They don’t need to as sisters seem to be more agreeable to their control than brothers.
5. Redaction of all their unpopular restrictions that were scribed in the publications is now underway.