I have heard a lot of talk over the last year or so if the GB will eventually ditch 1914 and some have even made the claim that most, if not all of the GB do not believe in 1914. I’ve given this some thought and in the past I wasn’t sure. This annual meeting puts 100%, without a doubt in my mind that the GB do not believe in 1914. I’d even go as far to say that they talked about that date and have a “game plan” in mind.
Here is why I feel this way:
There were a lot of changes with the parables at this annual meeting. They kept stating that “we’re making it simple”, that “there doesn’t have to be meaning to every little detail”, or “we were missing the main meaning behind this parable because we were distracted with little things”. The GB sat down and closely looked at these parables and came to that conclusion. Now, most of those parables were applied to around the 1914 date with the old understanding. That is no longer the case and is now mainly applied to today or in the future. If they looked that deeply into the parables and changed them away from prophecies fulfilled in 1914, it only makes sense that they also looked at 1914.
It would not make sense to change all of that and look that deeply into those parables and not start to question 1914. These are not dumb men, they’re helping to run a billion dollar company. They are making changes that are meant for survival of the organization into the far future.
I honestly believe that they know 1914 is not real. To change that much about the parables and believe in 1914 would make zero sense. I know this will get a change in the future, the question is when? Personally I think they’re waiting to see if any big events happen around the 100 year anniversary to choose their action. When this change does happen, I know almost every rank and file will say they knew it wasn’t true or never understood 1914 when it is finally changed. I already have heard multiple people say that they never understood or really thought that Gog of May Gog was Satan. The same will happen with 1914. I don’t even hear the R&F talk about it that much. I can’t remember the last time I heard a debate at the door over this date or even brought up to a householder.
What they do with 1914 is still up for grabs. The new bible makes me think that they will leave it as when Satan was cast out of heaven, since they have WW1 in their favor. If some big event happens shortly I think they will keep 1914 for a time and use it to scare in new members. If nothing happens, it will slowly start to fade. I think at first they won’t get rid of it completely, keep some part of it “true to their teachings”. You can’t shock the old timers by removing it completely. Then after they made that change to 1914 they will slowly start to dissolve it completely.
I’ve heard people already say “this is not the organization I left, or grew up in”. I think if this annual meeting is any indicator, even more big changes are on their way.