DOC - they actually do have corporate bylaws that state that they will retire some special full-time servants at the corporations' expense. This primarily applies to Bethelites with XX years of seniority and age. In recent years though, they have sent many "back to the field" just before they reached full retirement age. Cruel? Yes.
However, the facility in Fishkill for retirees is full per the last report I heard. Space only gets freed up upon someone's death. I was told they needed more space for older B'lites who were getting too old to work, past the age of being sent out.
For the retirement facilities, they need a doctor and nurses. You might recall the letter that went out several years ago for nurses. They had to be willing to stay indefinitely. When they consolidate facilities, the number of caregivers decreases proportionately, so I suspect consolidation is a high priority to cut expenses.
I recently learned that they are being challenged at the Fishkill facility for some kind of registration issue. They are in need of a larger facility that meets city/county/state requirements. That is all I know.
Atlantis - do you recall the leter to all BOE's asking for nurses? It may have been 4 years ago?