JoinedPosts by ThomasMore
Waking Them Up When They Feel Safe
by KerryKing ingood morning all, i would love some genuine advice please.. i have an old friend who is still in the org, but has never been the very staunch type.
however, she is going through a very rough patch in life, (past deeds from youth caught up and now is in prison) and i reached out to her by old fashioned snail mail.. by her reply she sounds more pimi than ever and finding some sort of comfort in the literature.
would i be wrong to attempt to wake her up, would that actually be a cruel thing to do right now?
Is it actually necessary to point out that a person has been misled? If she needs comforting words, maybe they can be given without undermining her support for JWism. I have some some former JW acquaintances who still reach out to me on occasion. I avoid anything JW since they know I am never coming back. What's the point? -
Did God know adam and eve would sin?
by gavindlt into all those on this forum, i would love to know what your take on this vital question is..
Long-winded, legalistic essays typically are attempts to wear the reader down. Simple answers on the otherhand are more honest, especially when the scriptures don't provide a clear answer on the matter.
My latest letter to the WT organization
by Kosonen inmay 14, 2024. hello brothers at the writing committee.
many brothers and sisters are wondering when will the end come?
we were supposed to live in the last days of the last days as brother lett told a couple of years ago.
Kosenen, if writing to WTC’s GB was therapeutic, I am happy for you. However, if you feel that WTC can be reformed, you might co sider that “that wich is crooked cannot be made straight”.
in context, it means that things that were never legitimate can never become legitimate by divine coercion. God will not reform that which is irreformable.
i admire your sincere zeal nevertheless.
Brother Jackson visits the Italy branch
by LaFrancia inbrother jackson visits the italy all the missing brothers and ex-brothers greetings stay healthy!this week brother jackson from world headquarters is visiting rome and bologna where the new branch will be built (by now the watchtower has turned into a multinational construction company and the old days are just a beautiful faded memory).the bethel of "italian/dissident/fugitive/spiritual" witnesses (active, but who do not agree with the organization's policies and directives because they are unscriptural) which has only a virtual location on the internet, (john 4:23, 24) will inform with a simple report this weekend.these are routine visits, but sometimes information of interest to the lord's servants can come out by mistakegreetings.
stay healthy!
Wannaexit - Spot On!!!
40 Years Ago Today: May 15th 1984 "1914 Generation" issue was released. False prophecy, thy name is WatchTower.
by WingCommander init's incredible how this cover, and also this "series" of watchtower's is burned into my mind.
i was almost 5 years old when these were released.
“1914 and you” — may 1, 1984 watchtower.
WTC has never shied away from being considered a prophet. I have a talk outline that specifically calls the WT magazine a prophet. They dance around the meaning of the word “prophet” when challenged on failed declarations, but openly declare that they meet a limited interpretation of being a prophet. Of this there is no doubt.
i have never criticized WTC for having a sense of urgency about the end of the system. The problem is that they have put dates to that end (numerous times) and strongly declared that it is near as in less than a year - for MANY years.
Their cry of wolf is irresponsible and disingenuous. As a result, their followers make terrible life decisions and a large number have ceased to have any regard for a divine power, losing their trust in all religion. THAT is the fallout from making false prophesies.
Why they continue to do this is obvious but I will state the reasons anyway:
1. It is a distraction from all the problems that the Org has created for itself.
2. It stimulates giving $$.
3. Followers re-focus on the Org instead of their own life problems.
4. The hysteria hypes the Org as having the inside scoop on matters of divine importance when they are simply self-appointed high school graduates at the helm of a corporate conglomerate with 4-5 million followers.
I am no prophet but I think the gig is just about up for WTC. They will not be able to continue with shrinking donations and increasing legal challenges. At present, their nose is just above the water line.
Lithuania Set to Mirror Norway's Approach on Jehovah's Witnesses
by raymond frantz init is proposed to the seimas not to grant state recognition to the religious community of jehovah's witnesses.
lithuania05/05/2024 09:30. jehovah's witnesses; baptism associative / e. ovcharenko / bns photo.. it is proposed to the seimas to refuse to grant state recognition to the lithuanian jehovah's witnesses religious community.. community representatives told bns that they hope that parliamentarians, taking into account the practice of the european court of human rights, will make a different decision.. the draft resolution registered by the chairman of the human rights committee of the seimas, tomas vytautas raskevičius, states that this community does not meet the requirements of the constitution and the law, that its education and rites do not conflict with laws and decency.. "the ministry of justice has determined that the religious teaching of this community is possibly not compatible with the constitution of our country in two aspects.
the first is that jehovah's witnesses oppose blood transfusions due to certain aspects related to health care (...).
Diogenesister - when WTC Legal equates DFing to DAing, they are dishonest. Is being fired from a job the same as quitting a job to take another?
Of course not - but JWs treat both the same - I am sure that this is not missed by the courts. Shame on WTC Legal for their twisting of the facts.
2024 Pioneer Manual!
by Atlantis inthey are calling this the 2024 pioneer book.
it was actually printed in september of 2023, but that will be alright.
click the 3 white dots at the top right to download.. .
BANG!! Best comment of the day TonusOH!
Q about Jesus' sacrifice
by oncebitten ini have several jw family members.
i have been shunned many years now.
i was not baptized, but i was indoctrinated as a child.
Actually, JWs have taught for many decades that Adam's sins could not be forgiven (nor could Eve's) since they sinned while they were in a perfect state. Furthermore, JWs believe that Jesus blood allows for forgiveness of sins. The friend that told the poster otherwise was incorrect.
However, JWs also teach that the wages of sin are death, and that the "slate " of sins is cleaned when one dies.
They also teach that the animal sacrifices offered did not actually exonerate anyone of sins - they merely foreshadowed the coming sacrifice of Jesus blood. They explain this during their annual observance of the Lord's Evening Meal (the Memorial). Some speakers have bungled it but the ones who follopw the outline seem to speak in unison.
Nevertheless, they still find ways to over-complicate each of these teachings, even when scripture seems to support their teaching. It is little wonder that many Rank & File JWs don't know what they believe.
Jehovah's Witnesses Are A Cult . . . Pure & Simple!
by Golden4Altar injehovah's witnesses are a cult .
pure & simple!.
the wickedness we see prevalent today among the jehovah’s witnesses can no doubt be largely attributed to the leadership of the organization, the watchtower society and it's governing body.
Golden - thanks for clarifying. I appreciate the reasoning.
Leaked Info: Watchtower Received $497 Million From One Country (Britain) In Last Six Years! [Must Watch!]
by Golden4Altar inleaked info:watchtower received $497 million from one country (britain) in last six years!
[must watch!].
this video was just released with documented proof, see this link:
SBF - the money is not going to Africa.
South Korea is also very concerned about the money leaving their country. Other countries are as well. They see an American religion taking advantage of their citizens and moving wealth to their US corporate headquarters, meanwhile giving nothing in return.