Boogerman, WTC twists 1 Timothy 2:25, saying that Christ is only mediator for the anointed remnant, not all men, not even all JW men (and women), especially not non-JWs.
Most JWs are not aware of this position and go along, oblivious that WTC's teaching supposedly leaves them with no mediator. - - - - Or do they? Enter the Governing Body to fill the vacuum. They covet the role of mediator, although they are wise enough to not put it in print, a threshold they know better than to cross - at least for now.
Some JWs would no doubt embrace the GB as a mediator, similar to Israel's rejection of Samuel in favor of a literal King, Saul. So how have they developed such adoration since their formation in the 1970's? During the following decades, WTC has cleverly reduced the attention to Christ that the Christian Greek scriptures highlight.