Mike JW, I used to think as you do, but after sliming myself down from head to toe, I was able to think like WTC - here's what they may do to squirm out of this one:
The GB of modern day was not formed until 1976. They will say that IBSA and JWs were selected by God in 1919 but the GB was selected much later.
Enter Brother Thinker: "But that doesn't make sense to me."
WTC: "You are an apostate! You are DF'd!"
Brother Thinker: I was already DF'd for refusing to grow a beard so...."
WTC: "Then you are double-DF'd now and you will never be reinstated."
Brother Thinker: "I wasn't planning on ever coming back. I made millions on Nvidia and have a home in Costa Rica."
WTC: We might consider taking you back if you say you are repentant. How many millions did you make by the way?"