Boogerman - sorry for deviating off topic. I was foaming at the mouth after reading 1 Tim and could not resist.
Are you saying that I should throw away my Mother Mary Lucky Astrology Mood Ring that I wear at Druid ceremonies?
john 14:6 - "jesus said to him, “i am the way, the truth, and the life.
no one comes to the father except through me.".
certain christian denominations lie & contradict jesus' crystal clear statement, by promoting the following dogma:.
Boogerman - sorry for deviating off topic. I was foaming at the mouth after reading 1 Tim and could not resist.
Are you saying that I should throw away my Mother Mary Lucky Astrology Mood Ring that I wear at Druid ceremonies?
probably everyone else thought of this long ago, but i, being an "independent thunker" thunk of it just a coupla weeks ago.. we all know that since the year zero (on the fredfranzian calendar) the wtb&ts has defied archaeology and insisted that jerusalem was destroyed in 607 bce, even though the physical evidence shows that 587 bce is a more likely date.
in fact, the book "the gentile times reconsidered: have jehovah's witnesses been wrong all along about 607 bce?
" by carl olof jonsson and rud persson made this conversation public.. it is a difference of 20 years.
Mike JW, I used to think as you do, but after sliming myself down from head to toe, I was able to think like WTC - here's what they may do to squirm out of this one:
The GB of modern day was not formed until 1976. They will say that IBSA and JWs were selected by God in 1919 but the GB was selected much later.
Enter Brother Thinker: "But that doesn't make sense to me."
WTC: "You are an apostate! You are DF'd!"
Brother Thinker: I was already DF'd for refusing to grow a beard so...."
WTC: "Then you are double-DF'd now and you will never be reinstated."
Brother Thinker: "I wasn't planning on ever coming back. I made millions on Nvidia and have a home in Costa Rica."
WTC: We might consider taking you back if you say you are repentant. How many millions did you make by the way?"
is investigating this group because the allegations are so pervasive!
jehovah's witnesses are being investigated in states such as illinois & pennsylvania.
i think that a federal investigation will come about soon.. there is so much negative news about the witnesses now that can't be hidden.
The FBI is investigating this relatively small denomination - what about JWs who have a much larger CSA problem that goes back many decades as well.
I thought it was interesting that Donald Trump was convicted on 34 felony counts of false business reporting, tied to hush money payoff (with accompanying NDA) with Stormy Daniels that was reported as a business expense rather than as a personal expense. They were both consenting adults and NDAs are legal in the U.S. but apparently the reporting label is significant.
WTC settles the vast majority of it's CSA allegations with cash settlements accompanied with NDAs. Are they reporting these correctly on their annual charitable forms?
Someone with legal expertise, please weigh in on how their NDAs should be listed for their tax exemption.
john 14:6 - "jesus said to him, “i am the way, the truth, and the life.
no one comes to the father except through me.".
certain christian denominations lie & contradict jesus' crystal clear statement, by promoting the following dogma:.
Boogerman, WTC twists 1 Timothy 2:25, saying that Christ is only mediator for the anointed remnant, not all men, not even all JW men (and women), especially not non-JWs.
Most JWs are not aware of this position and go along, oblivious that WTC's teaching supposedly leaves them with no mediator. - - - - Or do they? Enter the Governing Body to fill the vacuum. They covet the role of mediator, although they are wise enough to not put it in print, a threshold they know better than to cross - at least for now.
Some JWs would no doubt embrace the GB as a mediator, similar to Israel's rejection of Samuel in favor of a literal King, Saul. So how have they developed such adoration since their formation in the 1970's? During the following decades, WTC has cleverly reduced the attention to Christ that the Christian Greek scriptures highlight.
as an educated guess, the august 2024 watchtower may be delayed because 2 complicated subjects need to be discussed in this issue which haven't yet been approved to be included in the revised shepherding textbook.
perhaps the revised shepherding textbook must be finalised before this watchtower is released publicly.. the 2 subjects may be as follows:.
how to shepherd and appoint brothers based on the removal of the hour requirements, getting to know the brothers instead (does this mean prioritising appointing men who have auxiliary pioneered during the co visit and campaigns or men who are regular pioneers?).
It does have smell of bad fish. Honestly I cannot understand how the average JW just accepts their lunacy.
another creepy pervert elder convicted of multiple counts of child sexual abuse in pennsylvania.
this guy moved from puerto rico to lancaster, pa in the 1990's, worked his way up thru to being an elder, and then used his position to babysit families with children and abuse them.
he then denied everything, but when some victims went to the police, he fled back to pr, where us marshall's eventually caught up to him and arrested him.
I hope it is really hard for PA JWs to face the public - if you shield pedophiles, you need to experience at least as much discomfort as the victim's.
I don’t have any sympathy for them.
as an educated guess, the august 2024 watchtower may be delayed because 2 complicated subjects need to be discussed in this issue which haven't yet been approved to be included in the revised shepherding textbook.
perhaps the revised shepherding textbook must be finalised before this watchtower is released publicly.. the 2 subjects may be as follows:.
how to shepherd and appoint brothers based on the removal of the hour requirements, getting to know the brothers instead (does this mean prioritising appointing men who have auxiliary pioneered during the co visit and campaigns or men who are regular pioneers?).
It is likely that wives are being included at the end of the KM School because they will be reminded that they must meet standards for their husbands to continue serving. If they are indeed "one flesh" with their husbands, they must rise to the occasion and not be a drag on his Kingship .... I mean service.
Whether or not this will result in some men being disqualified, it remains to be seen. I suspect that they want wives to be on notice as there have been many complaints about them by the rest of the members in the congregations.
i had a jw quote this scripture to me recently: “study to show yourself approved” - great scripture.
but when we point out that former wt leaders didn’t study and were high school drop outs (ct russell only made it to the 7th grade) franz was a college drop out with only 2 hrs.
in koine greek, we always get the same answer - the apostles weren’t educated men either.
While it is true that the apostles were unlettered, ordinary men, they were not running a multi-national conglomerate accountable for responsible use of donations from millions of followers. They also were not supporters of CSA.
The GB (current and previous) have shown no acumen for managing money and policy. They are still trying to run the businesses like a loan shark with traveling and local enforcers.
1945 black and white photo of beth-shan (now hand colored):.
beth-shan house built in 1939, ten years after beth-sarim on adjacent property.
beth-shan, which means "house of security" in hebrew, was literally a house of security -(cult compound)*- it was accessed by a single dirt road that was guarded and gated.
The paranoia in WTC never ceases to amaze me.
Eighty years later and they are still beating the drums for a military raid. Maybe Argentina will provide the safety they need!
New Light!!! The government raid will happen within 3 days of a Wednesday. It will be in response to decades of failure to report CSA cases in all the countries they operate in. The military will identify them by the beards that males wear and the pants that females wear as they crowd around carts, tapping on their cell phones.
there was on older white-haired circuit overseer in houston around 1989 or 1990. last name started with a w i think.... not sure though.
even the most brain-dead robotic elders told me he was offensive.
LHG - I called out many CO's on nutty things they said. I simply asked for explanations and then commented on the potential results if the direction was followed. I recall a rather nutty CO who never worked a day in his life tell some sisters that they should consider pioneering instead of working. I immediately chimed in and said how excellent it was that the Branch was going to cover their financial needs! He was noticeably upset and said ThAt'S NOT WHAT I MEANT. I appeared to be crestfallen and asked how they were to pay for their needs. He was stunned - no answer.
Most JW special full-time servants have no clue where the money comes from to fund their lifestyle. We must all be millionaires - right?