My investment strategy changed with Covid. I did quite well in my 401k and still work. I am a stock picker but not a long time holder. I set limits and stops to take the emotion out of the decision.
When interest rates went up, I bought US Treasury Bills. I have averaged 5.3 percent and because of the way I spend, inflation has had little effect on my bottom line. i carry no debt.
One of my stocks jumped 14% today - I sold and patted myself on the back. Tomorrow I will search for another winner and keep all money invested. I also have some 6.1% ETF monthly dividend payers that maintain my principal investment. I watch them like a hawk in case they suddenly turn south. So far I am happy with the returns. They also grow a little each year.
I have not invested in high dividend funds since they usually distribute principal back - not a good thing. Text me if you want the tickers.
BTW - 3-6 month Treasury bills are the sweet spot. Do a ladder and reinvest the dividend as soon as they mature. If it’s good enough for Warren Buffett…