Magnum - I PM'd you.
JoinedPosts by ThomasMore
any JW construction going on other than Warwick?
by Magnum inis anybody aware of any kingdom hall builds going on or any kind of ldc activity?
i've been wanting to ask this, and committeechairman's question at the end of this thread,, moved me to go ahead and ask.. i've kind of wondered whether the org leaders got rid of rbcs and instituted the ldc arrangement because they wanted to be able to stop or slow down construction without it being obvious.
if the rbcs were still in existence, it would be obvious that there's nothing (or almost nothing) going on (if that really is the way it is) because rbc personnel would be idle when they were used to being busy.
any JW construction going on other than Warwick?
by Magnum inis anybody aware of any kingdom hall builds going on or any kind of ldc activity?
i've been wanting to ask this, and committeechairman's question at the end of this thread,, moved me to go ahead and ask.. i've kind of wondered whether the org leaders got rid of rbcs and instituted the ldc arrangement because they wanted to be able to stop or slow down construction without it being obvious.
if the rbcs were still in existence, it would be obvious that there's nothing (or almost nothing) going on (if that really is the way it is) because rbc personnel would be idle when they were used to being busy.
Balaamsass2 - ...and yet they have a cash flow problem that forces them to sell KHs to keep their nose above the waterline.
I have heard estimates on the CSA payout totals but no one really knows. Silent Lambs says it is over $200 million but that does not include court cases. Who knows since they provide ZERO TRANSPARENCY into their expenditures. I only know that the claims are coming in at an alarming rate and they are paying everything with NDA's in place.
They still have a real estate empire but I suspect that most are leveraged to the hilt to provide the operating expenses needed - which are incredibly high due to maintenance, healthcare, stipends and CSA settlements. Donations have decreased dramatically and many congregations are unable to meet their monthly expenses which threatens the monthly donation. Fear of having their KH sold drives them to dig deep for the monthly donation, otherwise the KH ceases to have value and is summarily sold form under the congregation.
WTC is using commercial firms for most maintenance since they cannot rely on volunteer labor like they used to do. Also, they don't want to be accused of using volunteer labor just prior to selling of a KH. They have contracted with commercial firms all over the country and they send them to do large projects that are needed just before a property is liquidated.
Someone (a non-JW) recently asked me if JWs would help a friend that is an active JW in need of financial help. Sadly, that is not ever going to happen. I explained that WTC does not do charitable work, even for their own members despite their tax exempt status.
any JW construction going on other than Warwick?
by Magnum inis anybody aware of any kingdom hall builds going on or any kind of ldc activity?
i've been wanting to ask this, and committeechairman's question at the end of this thread,, moved me to go ahead and ask.. i've kind of wondered whether the org leaders got rid of rbcs and instituted the ldc arrangement because they wanted to be able to stop or slow down construction without it being obvious.
if the rbcs were still in existence, it would be obvious that there's nothing (or almost nothing) going on (if that really is the way it is) because rbc personnel would be idle when they were used to being busy.
Not Former - LDC is Local Design Committee and RBC is Regional Building Committee.
RBC is defunct now. LDC does some coordinating but not much else. As you are probably aware, money flows into Watchtower Corporation but does not flow out. They don't spend unless they have a plan to make money.
Overlapping Generation
by pandorasbox1914 inthe september 2015 broadcast had david splane explain matthew 24:34 “truly, i say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place”.
his explanation of this scripture was by means of a chart to indicate an overlapping generation.. .
no scripture was used to show the overlapping generation concept, and as a result it makes no sense.. to illustrate how crazy this concept is, look at the lyrics of the song my generation.. my generation.
The generation explanation using goats is charming....... and funny.
For WTC's benefit however, their explanation is not appropriate if the definition of "generation" includes contemporaries. This would mean that Adam was of the same generation as my recently born niece. There were always overlaps and will always be overlaps.
A generation is the length of time that ONE person lives (on average) until his offspring is born, who then represents the next generation. They may overlap but they are 2 generations.
David Splane - did you get that? My neighbor has some goldfish if you need me to illustrate.
Cedar Point Ohio 🙄🙄🤦🏻♂️
by xaminewt ini started doubting the organization when i was 15. i spent the next 12 years doing in-depth research involving numerous emails with bible scholars and scientists.
i finally left the organisation 3 years ago.
technically i was never actually a jw as i was never baptised, so i’m not being shunned.
I recall summer conventions that included resolutions that were intended to stir the attendees. They were pitiful attempts to make WTC sound like they were spiritually significant. As a young person, I was floored at the chicanery and wondered if others were also.
Cedar Point was such a silly place to drive a prophetic stake in the ground. WTC was depending on the naivete of the publishers to float such a stretch.
Cedar Point Ohio 🙄🙄🤦🏻♂️
by xaminewt ini started doubting the organization when i was 15. i spent the next 12 years doing in-depth research involving numerous emails with bible scholars and scientists.
i finally left the organisation 3 years ago.
technically i was never actually a jw as i was never baptised, so i’m not being shunned.
Journeyman - all valid points that most of us see clearly here, but few in the Organization will admit.
any JW construction going on other than Warwick?
by Magnum inis anybody aware of any kingdom hall builds going on or any kind of ldc activity?
i've been wanting to ask this, and committeechairman's question at the end of this thread,, moved me to go ahead and ask.. i've kind of wondered whether the org leaders got rid of rbcs and instituted the ldc arrangement because they wanted to be able to stop or slow down construction without it being obvious.
if the rbcs were still in existence, it would be obvious that there's nothing (or almost nothing) going on (if that really is the way it is) because rbc personnel would be idle when they were used to being busy.
Journeyman - WTC has serious financial issues so ANY construction will be to counteract talk about the desperate nature of their situation. I recently learned that they are using commercial companies to do what volunteers used to do exclusively. It is clearly an attempt to (A) keep the rank n' file in the dark, (B) prep KHs for future selling, and (C) avoid challenges that free labor was used right before a sell.
However, there are still some who are quick to volunteer for speculative projects. Such projects appear to be fund-raising expeditions. After the money flows in, the project dissolves and WTC pockets the money.
As for the volunteers, they are the "I'll do anything to avoid doing more of the current nonsense" crowd. I suppose they are true believers who really think the end of the system is close enough to keep their emergency blinkers on all the time. Some are trust fund kids, but the majority are older ones with no hopes of retiring on more than their social security. They are looking for meaning in their lives and a break from the treadmill of being a regular publisher in a religion that is no longer offering excitement or meaning.
When the slowdown began, a lot of RBC men were disillusioned and went into a funk. LDC men were selected for their "speak no evil" loyalty. To keep the important secrets, WTC used traveling remote Bethelites. This untested concept was a disaster. Complaints about their behavior flooded in like water into a ship made of swiss cheese..
The money was drying up faster than a teenage model, so they quickly canceled all the projects. They raided the congregation coffers after properties were sold, and strongly directed elders NOT to try to work around the LDC. I knew of some who procceded with their own renovations despite. They were disciplined.
Most elders have the scars to prove that anything other than what they are told to do will result in great pain.
Now there is a shortage of loyal men and the money has run out. It is the perfect storm for WTC.
What's next?
by lastmanstanding inwhat's next for the world?
a year ago i edited a map of the world to include some big arrows to tell the story of what is to come.
and i shared that map with various friends.
The market has always had cycles of peaks and valleys, but these began to be closer together when retail buyers gained access to direct trading, eliminating a flesh and blood broker who would act as an intermediary. Volume trading quickly went parabolic as retail and institutional investors gained instant access, then came after market trading.
New products offered by brokerages have over-leveraged the market, making peaks and troughs more intense stoking volatility. See the history of the 2008 crash.
I am not saying this is an indicator of "the time of the end". I think that more access without much needed trading rules has created a violently rocking market that most retail investors no longer trust. "It is rigged" is a common criticism among such investors. The SEC could stop congressional members from insider trading, but they will not. Insider information is a primary incentive for being in congress. Show me a member of the House or Senate who was in worse shape financially after serving, and I will send you a picture of the Bigfoot that lives in the woods behind my home wearing a smoking jacket.
Long positions in the market are risky. Ask Warren Buffett how much he has in 6-month T-Bills.
by raymond frantz in
shame is an ancient form of control.
shame is the mechanism used to control behaviour.
When I was in, it became apparent to me that the pornography rule(s) were being used as tools to oust men when the need arose. Some men got a pass while others who were unpopular did not get any mercy at all.
In reality, JW's have never cared about the moral cleanness of the congregation. The things that have been allowed and covered up would shock hardened sinners.
Rutherford got a pass when his peers KNEW that he had 2 mistresses - all while he was married.
My experiences with elders who used drugs, had long-time affairs, stole from fellow publishers, lied about family sins - all convinced me that the religion was not elevatinfg the moral standards of the followers.
Holding a grudge
by LongHairGal ini read something recently on reddit (not sure what thread) where a person related how some jw told them that ‘they hold a grudge’.. this reminded me of something an old jw acquaintance said to me some years back when i related my bad experience in the religion.. so, apparently, jehovah’s witnesses feel they should be forgiven for anything.
people should forget all about it and act like nothing happened and be charitable towards them, etc… when i read in james and ephesians i got the sense ‘holding a grudge’ was referring to the things average people do to offend each other.. i don’t see it applying to a religion that claimed to speak for god and who engendered hateful and unchristian attitudes towards people.. i know because i experienced this.. in addition, some people’s lives were damaged by listening to faulty teachings and interference in things that were clearly none of anybody’s business.. one case in point: them knocking worldly careers and now there are thousands of destitute jws in senior years with nothing.. then in 2023 the religion does away with a century old teaching about counting hours in the ministry.
meanwhile, i got judged over this.
At Bethel, there was a saying that "Bethel forgives, they just never forget".
It was a tongue in cheek comment that Bethelites knew to be true. Bethel kept a tally of all known offenses so that any offense could be referenced when they needed to kick someone out or deny a privilege, or get leverage they needed in a matter.