You are the closest thing to a glitering Jem of colossal ignorance I have seen in some time.
Yes, if you say so, I am dishonest. After all, I have been teaching several lies for the WTBTS for the last 7 years and have ignored the facts because I was told to do so.
AS far as your questions, they have nothing to do with what the WT teaches about Salvation being found in the WT organization. Your lack of comprehending this leaves me to the conclusion that you are trying to twist the facts and teach a form of twisted fallacy that those of us with a mind should avoid. You keep saying that JWs are the ones teaching what they believe about Salvation, Why? Is it not the WT that teaches the Witness on what to believe?
I am aware of the ealiest Christians making mistakes. Were they allowed to question those taking the lead? Did those early Christians mindlessly accept things taught without looking at the facts and discarding the lies? Were they shunned for not conforming to what appeared by the majority to be "truth"?
You still did not explain why all the differences and changes in the teachings of the Wt about the Sodomites nor did you answer my questions. Let me refresh your selective memory.
Please answer this question: Did the Governing Body recieve these changes from communication with God or did they forget what was originally taught and make these changes on their own? Or better yet, are they really Jehovah's channel of communication? Does Jehovah play with our minds with doctrinal flip flops or is it the GB that we have to follow hook line and sinker that are prone to mistakes that can affect us in a very negative way?
Your justification of man made errors by the WT does not excuse them from Gods Jugdment nor does it excuse us for teaching such errors.
All those who were disfellowshipped and shunned and seperated from family and friends for disagreeing with the fallacies of the WT are the ones paying the price for the mistakes of men. Now tell me how we should press onward in a relentless evangelizing spirit as you put it, knowing the wrong dealt out to those that were innocent and condemned as guilty by the WT and the ones taking the lead (elders).
I see you to be ignoring facts and not being able to answer questions with a yes or no.